Hello peoples! The HBA has been out and about for a while but trust me, they are coming back even better than before.

For those of you who don’t know, the HBA stands for the Hecretary Bird Association. It was founded back in 2016 after the supreme leader became a prophet. The supreme leader saw the Hecretary Bird, he saw the truth. With this knowledge he enlightened his subjects on the true ways of the world and the Association was formed. During its inception the HBA focused mainly on research. They researched Snaxii, Hecretary Birds, and even Other Animals. They dived deep into obscure literature to understand the history of the world and were guided by the hopes of one day seeing the Hecretary Bird or defeating the Evil Snaxe.

The HBA started out small, it only began recruiting select members in 2017. The research was expediated with the extra members and the Association decide to dip its toes into media. Two major projects began concurrently: the play and the epic code named “The M&M”. Both pieces are said to be the greatest works of the modern era, but they have yet to finish. The HBA also began many new books, but most failed as nobody was able to complete any of the books. Unfortunately, the HBA became quite inactive in the years of 2018 and 2019, little progress was made on either of the two major works. The Association was slowly fading away. Fortunately, in late 2019 and 2020, the Association bounced back. The Hecrepedia was rebuilt from scratch and became the best it has ever been. The Hecrenews project was revived and you can see the results of it right now!

Fans who have eagerly awaiting the completion of the M&M and the Play were in rage learning about the inactivity of the HBA but they have became excited seeing the HBA bounce back. Both the M&M and the Play are expected to be completed before 2021, and fans are going crazier than ever.

Despite the great news on the completion of these two major works, the Association has not released any information on when their research in continuing. Rumors are going around that a book explaining all the creation will be worked on after the completion of the M&M but none can be too sure.

Nonetheless, the HBA is a quite interesting organization and their next move will always keep us excited.