The names Banana The Human, and I write articles. What else do you think I do? Also, if you are wondering about the name, keep wondering.

The Hecretary Bird is a creature of whom the greatest cannot be described with mere words. The Creator of The Rest of The Universe, The Majestic One, The Greaterestest One, the Hecretary Bird goes by many names. It is our master and benefactor.

As my great old grandpappy once said to me, “rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat”.

Yo yo yo what's popping? Frogs are hopping!

Hello all, I am Pablo from Peru

Just a jolly old chap pennin’ down the good old written word, wot wot. Some cracking good stories flyin’ your way, true or not. [Insert British-sounding axiom here]