Did you know the HBA is working on a book?

As usual with the HBA not too much information is known but they have been working on a novel which they are calling an epic since 2018. Although, the HBA stopped working on it during 2019 which is the around the same time the HBA stopped operating, but they are picking it back up in 2020 and are planning to finish it before 2021 although I personally doubt this will happen.

First we need to get some things clear. An epic is typically a very long poem. There are many examples of epics in Greek literature and my favourites are the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer. While epics typically refer to those poems, oxford has given one definition of an epic which is:

“a long film, book, or other work portraying heroic deeds and adventures or covering an extended period of time.”

So is it a novel or an epic? I doubt the HBA will be able to make something on the grand scale of an epic so it will probably be a novel. The novel in question is under the code name M&M, just like the candies you would eat. I don’t know what’s so epic about some candies, but the HBA claims the book will be a page-turner, a massive success, and a revolutionary book which will change the way people perceive novels and create a new standard or it will become a legendary book out of its league.

How can a book even be so exciting? Movies and T.V. shows are much more easier to consume as reading takes focus and a lot of effort. You need to create a picture in your head whilst a movie will provide you with the picture. Perhaps movies could stifle the imagination, but reading can be arduous. The HBA claims the M&M will be a book which will be able to make people start reading. That is a bold claim because in the times we live in, we have all the content on the internet; however, I am curious about the M&M and I would like to see how it performs in the real world.

What are your opinions on the M&M which the HBA is working on?