Scientists have made a revolutionary discovery: commuting in cars are faster than walking.

Locals are schocked at this disocery. Long Man Jones reports “A discovery which will shake the foundations of the world as we know it.” Others cannot handle the new fact such as Billy Big Bob, who states “This is pure nonsense! There is no method of transportation faster than walking!”

Cars are using a motorized combustion engine which allows them to convert fuel, typically petrol and sometimes electricy, into movement and have the power of about 120 horses. Some cars on the high end have the power of 400-500 horses! Horses are very powerful animals who are able to travel at high speeds. This holds true even in the fantasy world in games such as Minecraft and horses can carry people on top of that! Before the first industrial revolution, horses were a popular method of transportation, but there was still a huge popularity in walking. In fact, the fastest people in those times were faster than the fastest horse. These people of the older generation just simply cannot believe there is a faster power of transportation. If a car has 120 horsepower, it has the power of 120 horses, which are more horses than the amount of friends most people have.

Humans are able to travel at a rate of 28 mph, meaning they can go a distance of 28 miles within the time of one hour. A car can travel up to 120 mph and the fastest ones can reach speeds of 200 mph. Mathematicians around the globe have told us 120 is about 4 times as much as 28, and Google even confirms this in their calculator app, which says 120 / 28 = 4.285. Scientists also note a major difference between cars and humans: humans can continue walking as it uses relatively less energy while a car must stop at a designated gas station. These “gas stations” pump the car’s fuel from the car and place it into the car’s fuel tank and charge the owners of the car for it. A human can walk continously at a steady pace while only needing short breaks for a little water and some food. There continues to be a debate on whether cars or humans are faster.

Scientists have put the nail in the coffin of this debate by stating “the pratical clause.” If you were living a few miles away from school or work, Google Maps lists cars as taking less time than walking. Although humans can cut through areas cars cannot because of the size of a human compared to a car, cars are much more practical for longer distances. Most citizens continue to ignore scientists and continue to believe walking is faster than cars, but scientsits around the world have proven cars to be faster. Next time you are going somewhere, consider using a car rather than walking.