Earlier this week, local citizen Usnavi Komse Foroil reported a strage influx of propaganda with an unkown origin

“I was just browsing last night at 3am… Y’know, to catch m’self up on the latest memes. Hand must’ve slipped or something. When I came to nex’ mornin’, my home page started goin’ all ‘Vote Triumvirate, Vote Smart!’ Dunno what caused it, but sure is freaky”

-Foroil, when asked about the cause of this mysterious event

We sent the Youtube Propaganda to Hecrenews’s Science and Research team (SAR), and the conclusion was most surprising. The initial assumption was that the propaganda would be communist. Usnavi’s search history (procured with consent) revealed that (among other more questionable things), he often searched for Russian Propaganda. Given the frequency of communist words in Usnavi’s autofill suggestions, our team tried to test for any instances of left-wing ideals. However, this search disappointingly resulted in only one instance of the word “us”.

With this lack of evidence pointing towards communism, our team of self-proclaimed experts concluded that this propaganda was created by something else entirely. Something bearing no resemblance to the Hecretary Bird vs. Snaxe conflict, or any other recorded schism.

Something new.

This new propaganda most likely appeared on Forsoil’s feed because he clicked on a certain video. Our team is currently working on finding the exact video that would have caused such a recommendation.

The propaganda urged poor weak-minded Usnavi Komse Foroil to “Vote for the [The Triumvirate]”, which he immediately did, despite not knowing who The Triumvirate were and how he could vote for them. The intentions of this “Triumvirate” are currently unknown.

If you, or anybody near you has more information, or have also experienced a sudden surge of Propaganda telling you to vote for three mnystery individuals, call this number IMMEDIATELY:

