This afternoon a young man attempted to time travel by changing the time of all the clocks in his house. He then invited his friends over and said “let’s experience the 90s together!” His friends thought he was an absolute lunatic and mentioned that their phones were still showing the year 2020.

Adalbert Bulstrode is the man who tried to time travel with his innovate but ingenious idea. We sent one of our journalists to interview the man, here is the conversation they had.

Interviewer: Hello, how are you doing?

Bulstrode: I’m doing good how about you?

I’m doing good as well. Do you feel any different after changing the clocks forward and backwards, any weird effects of you “time-travel.”

Not really and even if you used a method like in the movies you wouldn’t feel anything strange, you just hop into a different time period and hop right out.

Do you realize the works physicists have been doing for years on time travel and how they were unsuccessful? You barely passed college, why do you believe you can do something even the smartest people have not done yet.

I don’t really like the mindset you have about me not being able to do it just because the smart people cannot do it. I believe everyone has a chance so I just did it.

That’s fair, I apologize for anyone listening to this interview in the future, but why do you think it worked? The clocks in your house are not the ones controlling time. The standard time is something we all agree on, you are just changing your measure of time different from the standard time we have. It’s not about breaking the norms, you simply have not done anything by changing the clock back, and if you change it into the future, you won’t be in the future.

But I did it and it worked.

What do you mean it worked? You don’t have any evidence of it working. When your friends came over, their clocks still said 2020, so what do you have to say about that?

You know they’re just wrong.

Look, the clock does not control time. It is just two sticks pointing to some ticks! Everyone can interpret time differently, but time just keeps on moving. You can’t stop the flow of it and you can’t go back and forwards between it, at least not yet. By no means am I telling you to not believe time travel is impossible, but work with the experts and ask other people to confirm your methods work. The power does not come from the people, it comes from the individual. END OF INTERVIEW

Bulstrode then went back to college to study physics at a high level. He is determined to find a way to go back in time and prove his intelligence. It is strange how a man thought he could turn back time simply by rotating the hands on a clock, but Bulstrode is creating an inspirational story where he is learning from his mistakes and improving to one day make the world a better place.