Trees have been around for millions of years, and even a single year is a large amount of time. The dinosaurs used trees for shelter, food, and shade and even we humans use them the same way today, although other animals may be using trees for habitats more than us. The question lighting the community on fire is “how are trees swaying?”

The witch theorem

Salem Massachusetts, now there is enough context. Some citizens believe the witches are still alive and the trees swaying are their work.

“I just know it. It isn’t natural for a tree to move like that. Trees are like rocks, unshakable. There’s a supernatural force moving them,” said Dean Phillip, a local wizard.

Phillip and his guild have been fighting witches for centuries. They know all the witches were not eradicated during the Salem Witch Trials, they even know that those accused of being witches during the time were not witches, they were just regular people but the community was scared and believed a prank being played by some children. The wizards are adamant about their answer and will not believe otherwise.

The plant gang

There are some naturalist who beleive plants to have an immense hidden power humans cannot see. These naturalist believe the trees swaying are just a way of trees imposing their dominance.

“One day they’re gonna up’n uproot themselves and take over the world. We better be kind to them while we have the chance,” said self proclaimed green thumb Ellena Donnelly.

Most civilians believe the theory of the plant gang to be too radical, and are looking for a more realistic answer to their claim.

The wind

Physisict student Adalbert Bulstrode (a familiar friend of ours on the Hecrenews) made an outstanding discovery. “Plants sway because of the wind, in fact, English professors say ‘plants sway in the wind.’” Bulstrode is already proving himself to be a capable scientist, and his learning quickly, eager to prove to the world one can actually improve from a mistake. “You see the way heat works, the sun heats up air near the ground of the Earth. Heat means more energy and the air by the ground is going to rise up, while the cooler air towards the atmosphere is going to want to fall down. This cycle has a little more complications and nuances but basically this causes wind, and the wind is what causes trees to sway.” Bulstrode elegantly describes the cause of the tree swaying phenomena and puts an end to this mystery. Bulstrode has a bright future ahead of him and he is eager to help out the community by teaching the science he learned.