Schools take pride in education. Rasing and education the top of the notch kids is their priority, but some schools also believe in teaching kids morals. Academic Integrity is the honesty of the academics. Cheating causes grade inflations, and does not properly evaluate the abilities of a kid. Unfortunately, math teacher Poldi Jehonathan was accused of academic dishonesty by revealing the test answers to his students just before the test.

“Weeks before the test he was giving us math lessons,” says Codie Amedea, a student of Jehonathan. “Basically he would teach us how to add numbers. For doing three plus five, we count to three, then add five more fingers, and then count all the fingers in total to get eight. The test had the exact same questions. I mean it was two plus 7 but we were able to use the same trick.”

“We regret the actions of Jehonathan and truly apologize to our students,” says Einarr Silge, the principal. “Jehonathan is going to be terminated immediately and is suspended from future jobs at our district. We do not tolerate academic dishonestly, especially when a teacher is promoting it.” Jeonathan’s teaching of addition for the addition test proved to have many negative consequences, one cannot simply give the answers to a test without cheating.

Some supporters of Jehonathan have argued for him. “The test didn’t even have the same questions! Mr. Jehonathan gave the answers to completely different problems, they weren’t on the test!” says Aquila Lalawethika. However, the test was about addition, and Jehonathan taught his students how to add, therefore giving his students the test answers. “I’m just disappointed,” says Florencio Elzbieta, another student of Jehonathan. “Giving us the answers to the test doesn’t show we learned anything, my 1st grade year has been wasted.”

Truly the standards at the school are high, and with their strictness they are able to foster an environment of pure education and learning and prepare bright students for the real world and allow them to become leaders who create positive change.