Through the work of the HBA the non-vegetarian vs vegetarian calamity has ended. Hate is still lingers between the two factions but peace has been achieved for now.

The HBA was able to solve this calamity because their team includes an omnivore. An omnivore as a person who eats both autotrophs and heterotrophs. Without the omnivore (whose name we cannot disclose because the HBA is top secret) the HBA would have fallen apart. After finding peace and stability within the HBA, the HBA sook out more omnivores to rise up to their plan.

The plan worked smoothly. Omnivores are now working as peace-keepers between vegetarians and non-vegetarains because they will not choose a side and will not attack both sides because they believe in the ideas of both sides.

The HBA has sucessfully averted a mass crisis and is paving the way to a more peaceful world.