A barren desert. There is nothing but sand, pehaps a dead bush rolling along the valleys.

The Hecrenews is in this desert. News is hard to come by. The boss barely pays and still expects us to come up with content. Wopps and Banana have both got no stories, and the same goes for me. We’ve asked some locals their opinion on this.

“I always think there’s news. Everything is important is it not?” -Andrey Alexandra

“Nothing much has been happening. It’s your average day.” -Abubakar Sima

“I’m so bored this interview is gonna be the most exciting part of today.” -Lakshmi Flora

“I just saw you interview those other three people, you must be pretty desperate.” -Chukwuma Gauri

Reflecting on what we do at the Hecrenews does bring us a renewed sense of pride. While we may struggle to pump out articles each day, we will strive to be the most reliable news source in the Hecresphere, and that’s why we are! We will not come up with lies just to make content everyday, we will not make clickbait headlines just to gather attention. We will cover what’s important.

Sometimes there are rainy days and sometimes there are sunny days. It’s definetely a rainy day here at the Hecrenews as we struggle to find what’s popping. But trust us, we ain’t stopping.