In very topical news, something is happening somewhere. First reported by Someone Somebody, this most likely newsworthy something is probably newsworthy. “Yadda Yadda Lorem Ipsum”, reflected Somebody after the newsworthy event(s). In response to something, some group of some people are acting somewhat newsworthy as well. We take you to the streets of somewhere, where something is happening, and that this is newsworthy (probably). Someone tells us “Somebody did something!”. Then somebody tells us “Someone did something!” From this we can conclude than something is happening somewhere, sometime. We go to somebody for further details:

Something somebody did is newsworthy! Um, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Somebody’s insight was very insightful. Sometime later, we figured out that somebody somewhere else also did something newsworthy, be prepared for a story on that newsworthy topic coming soon!

Note from Hecrenews Article Quality Control (HAC):

Since we are currently experiencing a dearth of newsworthy information, the never-flagging Hecrenews staff has been hard pressed to come up with a solution. In an effort to maintain the pristine article quality you know and tolerate, the Hecrenews will only report on truly newsworthy events. While this sometimes means that we leave the specifics of the articles to the minds of the readers, rest assured that we will always only post newsworthy content (Subjectively determined by people who are definitely in no way related to the Hecrenews). See this article for an example of quality content. As always, keep on keeping on, dear Hecrenews readers.