Is your life not scary enough? You may be someone in need of neesh tales. We are not sponsored but there is nothing else to write an article about and I’m gonna take the easy way out because my pay ain’t affected by no quality or orginality.

When Neesh knocks at your door, there is no escape, he has already found you, you won’t be able to run or hide.

Neeshtales consists of very short stories written in Spanish and then translated into English. I got into a top-secret interview with the author which cannot be disclosed but he did say they are planning for much more neesh, a play, a movie script, and more! (I know that’s ambiguous but I’m just the reporter). In fact, there are many more neesh tales already finished, but the author does not update the website. Those of you fancy with GitHub may notice I’ve made some commits there. I have no affiliation to Neeshtales, I was conscripted to make the website and upload the first few stories.

On the surface Neesh tales seems like a playful joke. The short adages have barely any heft, at a cursory glance. Taking a deeper dive into the diction and the events going on reveal the true horror ongoing with Neesh and his friends. I won’t go into a deep analysis because there probably is a YouTuber who will do it in my stead but the character of Neesh is truly frightening.

That’s all the effort allowed for today, make sure to share. We will actually produce better articles if more people read this. The Hecrenews is the most reliable news source in the Hecresphere, mainly because no other news source dares to cover all the news in the Hecresphere. Also rumors are going around the HBA is taking action once again, that may be an interesting article…