Today I got the special opportunity to go on an expedition with a member of the HBA. The goal was to discover some new species. During the HBA’s peak in 2018 many new species were being discovered left and right. The HBA cannot give a proper estimate on how many species they have discovered so far (as a percentage). With the current manpower of the HBA, it is very hard for them to go on expeditions and discover new species. Another reason is the lack of energy to update the Hecrepedia. After a hard work on remaking the Hecrepedia from the ground up, the members are too lazy to update it. Anywho, we began the expedition with prepartion at a pre-determined local destination. I was given snaxe spray, a sticky hand, and a [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] which is used to capture the Snaxii and allows the observation of them.

The HBA member had a jeep with him and had many camping-like tools. Binoculars, a compass, a map, a camera, flashlight, instant noodles, and a rice cooker but no rice. “What’s that for?” I asked. “Not gonna tell you until I need it.” We started driving into a forest, plains, and then a jungle. It was all uncharted territory, not shown on google maps. Soon we stopped and we began walking. We were going around in what seemed like circles for quite a while. The sun was starting to go down. “I think they know we’re here, we gotto throw off our scent.” The HBA member sprayed something from a bottle written in a strange, alien-looking script. “They won’t be able to detect us now.” “What did you just spray?” “I can’t tell you. If you can read what is on the bottle you would know.” The bottle was working, soon we were seeing movements in the grass and hearing a mix between hissing an purring. “There it is.” The HBA member leapt out and attacked. I was staying in hiding to stay safe, remembering my Snaxe Safety tips. He came back with some shapeless pulp. “Just the run of the mill plain snaxe.” We weren’t able to find any new species yet so we set up camp and slept for the night.

The next day pretty much followed the events of the first day: we weren’t able to find any new Snaxe species. The HBA member was going to continue his search but it was time for me to head out. After all, the boss doesn’t pay me to stay until something exciting happens. The whirring of blades could be heard and above was a helicopter with Wopps and Banana in it. “Mjir, you have to come with us right now, we finally found a good story.”

I was doubting the new story they found but I had nothing better to do so I hopped into the cop and we flew away.