Although we believe many superheroes like spiderman, batman, and such to be unrealistic, our world does consist of real superheros. Oxygen is one of the superheros working non-stop around the clock to make sure every human is alive. Hospitals around the globe have confirmed oxygen’s power to save lives. Dr Etenesh Katharina, who works at a local hospital, testifies on behalf on the selfless deeds of oxygen. “Whenever out patients are delivering babies, oxygen is right there to allow them to survive. Without oxygen, I would say most of the newborns only have about a minute to survive, it’s thanks to oxygen they’re able to live for about the life expectancy for their area with few exceptions. I am really astonished by the work of oxygen. It’s just incredible. I can’t believe how oxygen is doing this all across the world. Not only is oxygen prventing death, but is also allowing people like me to keep on living.”

Unfortunately, we were unable to schedule an interview with oxygen. The contact information is non-existent and we probably shouldn’t distrub oxygen while it works non-stop around the clock saving lives all the time. However, we did find some ground-breaking information on this hero.

Oxygen comes from the plants. This is big. We do not know exactly how, speculators assume photosynthesis and stuff dealing with glucose, the light and dark cycle, chlorophyll, but we cannnot trust speculators as we are a news site of high quality. Seeing the story in this light makes a heavy blow to vegetarians, as their habits of eating plants are lowering the amount of oxygen- wait, what’s this? Breaking news?! That’s impossible. This just in, oxygen from plants is mainly derived from the leaves, not all vegeterians are at fault. In fact, in the early times cyanobacteria was producing oxygen like mad before plants were even a thing. Cyanobacteria has long since disappeared from the scene but it is just hiding, it hasn’t really gone anywhere.

Unfortunately, sometimes the superhero abilities of oxygen are suppressed thanks to human activity. Humans went big business and big factories during some event known as the industrial revolution and boy did factories go big. Not only did factories get bigger, but more factories were made. These factories pump in human labor and pump out all the latest and hot products, but also produce mad pollution as a consequence. The pollution dilutes the power of oxygen and renders it useless, as the overpowering smoke causes people to cough and go sick. Nevertheless, many people were not too hot with these trends and many have joined movements to grow more plants, or to put it properly, plant more plants. Local self-proclaimed green thumb Ellena Donelly keeps on appearing without being asked as she wants to get into the spotlight but it’s very hard for us to find people to interview so our options are quite limited. “I’m no mathematician, but if we keep on growing plants, we will be directly countering pollution.” “So it’s like a Yu-Gi-Oh! trap card?” “I have no idea what you just said, but I believe if we keep on working hard, we will be able to stop the pollution.”

At this point I have no idea what this article is about. Oh, it’s about oxygen being a superhero. Make sure to be grateful to our heroes like oxygen, because society would truly be a mess without them.