Aye aye aye! Who’s flow is that? That’s right, daily articles are back! Hopefully not for a limited time.

Today we will be talking about HBA newest endevaors in their attempts to expand their audience. The HBA has recently created a Twitch account to being doing livestreams. Some representatives from the HBA say it is an attempt to increase the HBA’s following by expanding their reach into new waters. Other representatives say it’s just for fun. Well, whatever the reason may be the online expansion of the HBA can clearly be seen.

The internet is uncharted territory. I am not talking about deep and dark web stuff, know that what you see in search engines are only the tip of the iceberg, there is so much stuff on the deep web and even more on the dark web! In the old days, people had to claim land, the problem is now all the land is basically claimed and the United Nations group tries to settle this kind of stuff. While you cannot claim land, you can still perform territorial expansion on the internet. Become the face of all the big services, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, all sorts of social medias to compete in. However, the HBA is facing a rough start and it will take a long time for them to surpass 10 views at a time (which is much greater than 2).

Currently the HBA videos are claiming to be a Hecretary Bird Association fundraiser, but was pretty lackluster. It was simply a screen displaying some epic HBA propoganda (gotta love that stuff man) but the main manager of the account has souped it up by adding GIFs and we can not forget about our main man Cromwell in the King Henry video displayed. Some local people have speculated a strange incident. Apparently yesterday and today the HBA actually started streaming stuff. One local man said the game looked like League of Legends but wasn’t too sure as most of the stream was just a black screen with a cursor bouncing around. The strangest part was that the videos were taken down.

Why are the HBA taking down their old streams? What kind of secrets were exposed then? We are not too sure, some locals report they were probably just testing it out and those streams were never meant to be seen in the first place. Oh no, wait, hold up… Gosh darn, I forgot to ask the locals for their names! I was too focused on grinding the articles and I forgot. Sorry boss. But anywho, seems the HBA is learning how the streaming service is working and they are prepping for some epic games and epic gameplays. Will they just be playing League or will they be diverse and try out other games? Are they only streaming games? There are so many questions to be raised. Hopefully the HBA stays active with this as the Twitter is pretty lackluster and the Hecrepedia and Hecrenet are no longer being updated despite there being information not moved from the Hecrepedia 1.0 to the Hecrepedia 2.0. The Hecrepedia 1.0 was even taken down but the new Hecrepedia still links there, the HBA’s really gotta update that.

Well, the HBA is a pretty promising group so we should expect pretty promising results. Backed by the H-Bird itself the HBA will be able to do anything. Stay tuned to their new Twitch channel as well as the Hecrenews, we gotta get more views, seriously. This was Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.