Everyone knows the Sun. It may be called different things but all people of all cultures place a huge importance on the Sun. The Sun’s light erodes the darkness in which fear is brought because it is harder to identify things (which could be dangerous to the primal human). There is a symbolic importance and physical importance. The Sun provides that sweet sweet vitamin D which probably does something, I’ll have to ask SAR and the Sun allows plants to grow, which is vital for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. We see it everyday, and the day itself is determined by the sun (otherwise it would be night). The sun is there as a kid, a teen, an adult, always looking over us.

When asking the typical man if we can fly to the sun most of them would say “It’s dumb, it’s ridiculous, it’s ouright foolish!” and scientists told us to get out because we might lower their IQ. Looking at the sun can cause blindness, and most would say most things will just burn up near the sun, just look at planets like Mercury and Venus, they are hot, and I don’t mean just their looks. Howver, a group of aliens had an ingenious idea, a radical idea, a revolutionary idea which will change science as we know it.

Most people have mixed feeling about aliens. Scratch that, many people are either scared, hate, or are curious about aliens. Aliens as we portray them typically have much more advanced technology than we do so of course we humans are scared because we are dominant species and want to stay on top. Luckilly the aliens we ecountered were pretty chill folks. I think they erased some of my memory so I don’t exactly remember what they look like but I can tell you what they did.

The aliens, like us humans, were too interested in the Sun. But these aliens want to get as hands-on as possible, simply looking at the sun was not satisfying, they wanted to land on the Sun so they could conduct research and soon create a Dyson Sphere and harness that sweet sweet energy. These aliens are much more intellegent than humans so they figured out what they needed to do. Of course you couldn’t go to the sun at day, that’s impossible and they would burn up, but if they went at night…

The aliens spent a wopping week preparing for their expedition. Setting up technology systems, preparing the pilots, running tests after tests to ensure the mission success. It was a mad week but finally they were ready. Waiting at the perfect time at the perfect location was the rocket, ready for take-off, and the aliens soared. The aliens ships are far faster than ours, so they reached the Sun in just a couple of minutes casually like it was no big deal, and they landed. There was a lot they said in our interview.

Me: “So what was it like?”


“That’s very interesting, can you describe what you felt, or the emotions you were going through at the time?”


“Yes yes, it was such a big moment, I understand how you feel, not really, that’s just sympathy.”


“Aw man, you’re so funny. Anyways, was there any ground breaking information you found on the Sun?”


“So what’s your species gonna do now?”


“That’s good. Well, that’s all the time we have for today- oh, and you’re already gone. Gosh darn if only we could reach near light speeds…”

The aliens have made a big discovery, but it was not for mankind. The aliens did encourage us to keep trying, and if we tried hard enough, we will eventually be able to make it to the Sun and achieve all of our goals and other good inspirational stuff. As one local man put the interview:

“One large step for the Milky Way and one small step for mankind”

It’s strange cause we didn’t even set foot on the Sun. Anywho, this was Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.

Edit by Hecrenews Article Quality Control (HAC): We had to redact all the alien speech under an order from the HBA, it was for our protection, apparently writing in the alien language was dangerous, we do not know how Mister Mjir casually conversed with them.