Philip Aleid was coming home from a long day of work very tried. The boss had just made all the employees work overtime as they were releasing a new product tomorrow and had to ensure everything was in tip top shape. Aleid spent hours in his cubicle doing mundane tasks. Phone calls, spreadsheets, coffee with the homies (arguably a fun activity) and such that is performed in the office. Aleid was not lucky with the traffic either. Every sigle signal he had to cross was red at first, and there was even a traffic jam in one road. Now, it is emphasized Aleid is tired, tired I tell you, and he parks his car in the park. At first nothing happens, Aleid just puts the car on break mode, pulls up the safety break lever, and walks out and locks the doors and goes home. Aleid had a nice sleep after some dinner but Aleid had just changed his local community as he knew it.

He woke up tomorrow the next day realizing he parked his car in the park instead of the garage and went to go and get his car, but the park was in chaos. Protestors were rampant for two sides and omnivore cops were there to settle the dispute, although it was not a dispute dealing with vegetarians and non-vegetarians (The HBA solved that crisis thankfully). Aleid parked his car in the park, he had given that action no second thought but the other locals did not see it that way. A very heated debate began dealing with parks which eventually lead to what Aleid was seeing, people yelling at each other, throwing random projectiles, his car heavily dented with the windows shattered, and gureillas camped in the play area.

The People should Park in Parks movement (P PiP) believed people should be parking in parks. In fact, they are called parks, so it only makes sense for people to park in them. There are other recreational places proponents argue and those should be used for recreation, there should no longer be any correlation between parks and recreation as parks should be a place to park and recreation areas are places to do recreational things. As said by Stina Marita, “We cannot let the stigma of our ancestors stay, we are a progressive society and are far much more inclusive than we were in the past. We should be allowed to park in parks, it’s literally in the name.”

However, the Parks are Recreational Places Too Gang (PART) believes that parks are recreational places and people should not be allowed to park in them. Proponent Natan Vitomir gives his opinions, “Parks and Recreation are called parks and recreation for a reason. Parks are places to play, I mean some of them. Others are national parks, which are preserving the natural environment and the beauty of nature. We cannot destroy that protected haven by letting people park there, parks are not a place to park, parking lots are. P PiP should realize, a parkling lot means a lot of parking, they can park as much as they want in the parking lot, but they should not infringe on our parks.” PART has been around for a couple of years, and came to be as direct opposition to P PiP. We do not know who the leaders are but after obtaining some insightful knowledge from Banana The Human it could be speculated the leaders are just teengaers in gangs, as they are rowdy and like to cause trouble.

Aleid just wanted his car back but now it was destroyed. P PiP had a large array of cars available to Aleid so he could just take one of their spares but he wanted his back, but he can’t get it back now. PART will be responsible for the damage done to Aleid’s car but both parties will face punishment for disrupting the natural order and peace of the local community, For now, Aleid will just continue on his endless mission as a corporate slave.

Lesson learned? Get a good boss (looking at you, boss)