In these times there are many groups pushing for more justice and better equality. Some of these movements have led to nationwide protests as the people want their government to take action. It is in the goal of creating a progressive society, one which keeps on improving itself one step at a time. However, there is one group seeking major attention, and those are bells.

For one bells do not even get that much recognition. When was the last time you heard, saw, or even thought of the word bell? Chances are it could be a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, even a year! This is discrimination against bells but bells have kept silent for so many years, not once did they complain, humans are always thinking about other humans but nobody gives any love or care to bells. However, the bells are not immediately demanding their equal rights, now the bells want to fight against a stigma which has existed for many generations and many families. Bells across the the world are saying dumbells are demaning.

“How would you feel if someone called you dumb,” says a local bell we interviewd, “you would get mad, and you would get mad mad fast. You can think it’s just a word, but that’s when you’re not on the recieving end. And how would you feel if someone called you dumb every day? That is past the point of making someone angry, that is straight up bullying. There is a power imbalance because one side is calling the other dumb, and the other side is unable to do anything as they will just get laughed off. In fact, most people show 0% support in this. They approve of dictionaries calling our relatives dumb. This is terrible. These bells do so much for society. Humans would struggle to build those chad muscles if it weren’t for those bells. I have a friend myself who is labeled a dumbell, he has led so many people to great body success by making their arms magnitudes stronger than they used to be, why does everyone call him dumb?”

The local bell expresses the main points of concerns in this issue. Dumbells do so much for our society, but we never even thank them. We call them dumb and don’t give a second thought. This is not right. These bells are the scaffolding of a healthy and stable society. We are lucky the bells haven’t revolted against us, their silence is powerful, because they hide their pain, never saying it. Howver, if you do ever decide to ring a bell, you will hear it’s cry, the cry of the injustices of mankind, the unfair treatment, the bullying.

“I still have hope,” says the local bell, “in the recent years, there are many minorities who have gained access to justice and equal rights, it is only a matter of time before we get ours. And the best part is, people can help easily. All everyone needs to do is spread the message, rally others to the cause. People need to realize what they are doing is wrong. Calling them dumbells is demeaning, they are not inferior, but rather they are superior, and should be treated as such. We need to stop calling them dumbells, maybe strongbells or something is a better suited name but change can be brought.”

The bells have created a Bell Equality Liberating Life movement (BELL for short) and they are gaining many new members per day. With the power of communication, surely the bells can spread their message and make society a more just one.