Sung-Min Saško had recently lost his phone. His contact with the outside world beyond his corporation. The situation got so intense his boss had to call the Phone Search and Rescue Squad (PS) in to help Saško find the phone. If you missed out on part one check it out here.

The PS were quite stumpted for quite a while as they were unable to get a lead. They had all the experts who knew plenty on phone runaway cases, the detective task force was still looking for clues. Meanwhile the Phone Behaviorial Division was busy reading the grand extbooks all about the behaviors of phones. The office was about to close down and it was the end of the day and the PS stil hadn’t found any clues, but as soon as Saško was about to leave his cubicle they found a lead. Tiny phoneprints revealing the path the phone had travelled. It had seemed the phone had used the elevator to escape and then ran outside the building to who knows where. Some of the PS Detective Task Force immediately contact the Phone Behaviorial Divison and the rest continued to analyze the phone prints to figure out where the phone met. The rest of the PS members there quickly set up a base of operation at Saško’s cubicle. Poor Saško, he’s going to have to clean it up when he’s all done. There was a pretty large map of the town layed out on the desk and everyone was holding markers marking where the phone had ran and where it could have gone. Although the office would have usually gotten quiet as the last members left and the office was closed for the day, today the office was more busy than ever as multiple PS members were busy phoning other people and answering other people. The PS eventually narrowed down a couple of palces the phone could be in. But then there was a problem.

See there were 5 possible places the phone could be in but there were only enough people to send out three squads. The PS decided it would be best to just guess and send two squads and leave one squad on standby. After about 10 min. the squads were able to reply back to headquarters and found no trace of the phone there. Saško was becoming more and more anxious. He could’ve just bought a new phone but now this had become a big deal. His boss who had offered a lending hand may have accidently added salt to the wound (ouch). Everyone was in a blight mood but then a phone call came from a person not in the PS. It was an Old Lady who saw the phone running across town the other day. After asking a few more questions on the phone the PS was able to locate the position of the phone, but there was a big proble. The phone was at a valley between mountains about to cross the borders. Saško couldn’t believe it, it was becoming the scene of an action movie. The PS quickly sent the standby squad there and they took off on high tech motorcycles. The other squads would be arriving via land and via helicopter. The phone was quickly approaching the boder and would soon cross it, the PS had only 5 min.

After three minues the PS found the phone, and it was running fast. The PS launched multiple nets to catch the phone but the phone swiftly weaved it’s way in and out of the traps. Things were getting dire because there were 30 seconds left before the phone would cross the border. This is when something unexpected occured. Saško, in the flesh, jumped from the helicopter which the first squad was in (it had just arrived) and landed in front of his phone. The only thing stopping the phone from reaching the border was its owner, Saško himself. The phone just took a long look at Saško and tried to run but Saško just started talking. Saško talked of the good memories he had with the phone and how the phone has helped him out so much, far more than his friends in real life (although he is suspected to not have any of those). We don’t know the full details of the speech but the phone was in tears and regretted trying to leave Saško. For the first time in history the PS’s client retrieved their own phone (ignoring the transportation of course). Saško lived happily ever after. Not really, his girlfriend was livid he had not picked up the phone and there were a wopping 1468 missed calls! Yikes! The second squad of the PS was also a little upset they weren’t there at the scene of the action, they wanted to see a guy jump out of a helicopter because it would have been like an action movie in real life.

Remember, if your phone ever runs away call the PS. Not only do they find phones but they can find practically everything. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and popping out.