Amiran Navdeep faced a terrible dilemna today. During his meeting at work he had to read his presentation notes because he did not prepare his presentation beforehand and was just winging it. His boss wasn’t paying that much so he did not think about putting much effort into the meeting (Hecrenews authors can relate). Navdeep’s major problem was his inability to read the notes.

Now you may remember a few months back someone sued a book because it lacked pictures. I guess this is similar to that but hey, a new day a new story as they say. Navdeep’s problem was a little strange. He couldn’t read his notes and completely failed his presentation, recieving diapproving looks from his boss and his co-workers and they had their ace staff member do Navdeep’s presentation although he also didn’t have notes but he aced the prsentation because he was the company’s ace member after all. Gosh darn, a more interesting article would’ve been how this mans was able to conduct the presentation on the fly without having any preparation beforehand. I guess I’m stuck with this article for now rops. Anywho, when Navdeep went back to sit down and look at the report for the next group’s presentation, he was able to read it clearly. He wasn’t like Sture who was unable to read at all because the book didn’t have pictures, for some reason he could not read his notes. The meeting lasted an egregious 5 hours and everyone was barely awake. The company’s ace member had survived by taking a dangerous amount of coffee and the boss was knocked out, completey dozed. The next morning everyone woke up in the meeting room and work wasn’t supposed to start yet so Navdeep asked his fellow workers about it, and the results were shocking.

Navdeep’s notes were easy to read. They were so clear and concise and well-written even a 1st grader could have done his presentation masterfully. Navdeep was getting so distraught over this he had to leave the office to go and see a therapist. The therapist was unable to identify anything wrong, Navdeep’s reading abilities were “top-notch” as she put it. Navdeep then went to the local elementary school for consulting and the ELAR team could not find anything wrong with Navdeep. Navdeep was flabbergasted. He does not know why. He went home and did his daily reading of 30 min. but the phenomenom struck back. He could not read the book at all. He immeidately called someone while still holding the book in one hand, who did he call? I don’t know, and neither does he!

Within a minute the reliable pizza man came to check out what was wrong. Now it is rumored (by Navdeep) the pizza man is a genius. He told him the secret to his problem. “My man,” said the pizza man, “you ain’t holding that book right. That thing’s upside-down!” “What the,” said Navdeep as he turned the book a solid 180 degrees. Magically, he could suddenly now recognize all the text, it was making sense, he could read it! “You are my hero!” said Navdeep as he paid the pizza man the equivalent of a large pizza. The pizza man told Navdeep he didn’t have to pay but Navdeep was persistent on paying him for his deeds as a hero. Looks like the local pizza man is a life-saver.

In other news it looks like Adalbert Bulstrode is making some strides in a newest discovery, stay tuned.

Hohoho looks like article quality plummets when you’re on a ten minute grind to reach arbitrary deadlines to ensure your streak survives. This has been Mister Mjir popping in and now popping out.