Cannot believe it! This is our 100th article. Now this is a huge milestone. In this watershed moment we are going to talk about all the histories of the Hecrenews, going to be some good stuff in here. Once again I would like to remind you the Hecrenews puts its readers first, and we are always aiming to improve our reader’s experience. We are not like other news sites with juicy headlines and fake news but instead, we have the most reliable news in the Hecresphere. Enjoy.

About September 3rd, 2018, the very first Hecrenews development began. Back in the day all the HBA run websites were one website within the Hecrenet. Although, it did not look like that and sadly the old Hecrenet is not available on the Wayback Machine. However, the code was not good and it was too tedious to add any articles, so the Hecrenews stopped development.

The HBA was determined to revive the Hecrenet, as the Hecrepedia was recently revamped giving it many more features from the old 1.0 version. Sadly the Hecrepedia does not really get updated much these days, very sad. A lot of the information still needs to be copied over. On about April 5th the Hecrenews started its renewed development and with a lot of resources invested, the first article was posted on April 10th.

The early days were pretty rough. Posting daily was not a trend at all but starting on May 10th there were pretty consistent upload frequencies. Mister Mjir started posting since the second article on April 11th, Whoops dropped his first on May 10th, and Banana the Human started on May 20th. You may notice we have other authors, including Hector, but these three were the pioneers of the Hecrenews. There was a dark age from the end of June till July 26, with very few uploads. On average, an article was posted barely every five days. So sad.

However, a beacon of light came shining through. This boss of ours announced a daily article regime, and Mister Mjir really took it to heart. From July 26 to date, man’s posted an article every day. Quite commendable. Even the rest of the og author gang stepped up, with Wopps Minor posting every now and then and Banana the Human making a comeback on August 3rd.

Furthermore, Hecrenews inducted hired a new author on that very same day to replace Banana the Human if the need arose. Well, that definitely didn’t happen, and the new author, Hector, joined the writing team for good. Once you get past the constant allusions to that paternal forebear of his, he’s a pretty cool guy.

And that brings us to the present day. What now? Mjir refuses to let go of his streak, and Wopps, Banana, and Hector are all posting regularly. (Banana tells me in the background that he does not, but let’s just pretend he does for the sake of hoopla) There’s even been hints of a rival news site, but for now, that remains to be seen. Maybe the small conflict will escalate into a horrible feud, with bloodshed on either side? Who knows?

The Hecrenews is bigger than simply its authors and the boss. We have a multitude of teams here at the Hecrenews ensuring our content is top-notch. Hecrenews Article Quality Control (HAC), Hecrenews Science and Research (SAR), Hecrenews Crime and Punishment (CAP), Hecrenews Analytics Team (HAT) and the Hecrenews Historical Team (HAT) (although the former is probably now a part of HAC while they figure out a new acronym), English and Reading Team (EAT) and more are being added and improved all the time. Many people are working behind the scenes making this a big team effort.

Of course we are not just going to talk about us but also our fellow viewers! What would we be without our loyal readers who read every article intently without fail (hint hint)? May 7th marked the first time Hecrenews reached an audience outside the United States, and since then we have been reaching more and more countries in the effort to ensure all denizens of Earth(and beyond) can obtain access to the best news source in the Hecresphere.

But all of this talk of history is getting boring. How should we celebrate this momentous occasion? 100 articles is no easy feat, after all. It took hours of pain, toil, and effort, from our very first article on April 5th to– oh no, I’m starting to talk about history again. How about just a hard cut to the next topic?

To celebrate, the Hecrenews threw a big big party, and everybody was there. All of our employees (who were required to come or their pay would be docked) were there, at least. The tracks were banger (thank the planner!) and the entire party was quite wild. The boss was going crazy with his monocle, lassoing it over his head and catching the unsuspecting Hector’s hoopla juice cup and promptly spilling it all over Hector’s one of a kind S-Shirt(there were also several monocle shaped bruises dealt out over the course of the party, but hey its a party).

So, that was quite a fine experience, and this is quite a fine article, if we do say so ourselves. Might even be better than that three-part article series that’s been going on lately. Anyways, here’s to many, many more articles, brought to you by the most reliable news source this side of Chattanooga! This has been the collective hive-mind of the Hecrenews, popping in and now poppi