Ramaz Navin discovered a special talent in 3rd grade. His class was growing flowers for their local garden. They were trying to restore habitats and ecosystems on the small scale. For bees, bugs, butterflies, and other fun little critters (many of the students were too scared to go in to the garden because they did not like the bigs, but Navin was not of this breed). Navin was growing the usual tuplipa (aka tulip) but his was growing exponentially faster than the other students. The teacher thought he was doing some mad hax. Navin’s tulip grew so fast the teacher just gave him a new one. Other students were struggling and crying as their plants died due to a lack of water, fertilizer, and other tasty plant stuff (for plants, I don’t think many homo sapiens are down for eating raw nitrogen, but hey, that’s just me). The other students asked Navin for help, and after only a week, not only were there enough flowers for the garden, but the school was able to make a whole forest full of flowerbeds, it was truly a beautiful looking school. Perhaps Leafblower Elementary will be next in line for this Eco sounding stuff.

Switch back to the present day where Navin is a certified botanist, constantly spitting facts on the unqualied self-proclaimed naturalists, such as the notorious Ellena Donelly who many locals believe to be a quack. With Navin’s skills many forests we de-de-forested as he was able to grow back. He even has the power to grow back the jungle which existed long ago in the Sahara desert, and that kind of power can change the world as we know it. We asked Navin how he does it and he was glad to answer us.

“Thanks for having me”

“No problem, It’s all you man, thank you for being a part of this interview. So I wanted to ask the big big big question. How do you do it?”

“Well while I am a certified botanist, I am a self-proclaimed plant-whisperer.”


“I can talk to plants.”

“So you are like the elephant whisperer in Elephant Run but with plants instead. That’s actually even better because instead of one species you can talk to all plants. Is that right or did I miss something?”

“All plats means every gosh darn species in the plantae kingdom, it’s pretty cool.”

“So what’s it like?”

“Well you see plants are very lonely. People rarely talk to them and they’re usually sad all the time. It’s my dream job making so many people happy when I work, because that makes me happy. All plants I’ve talked to are happy to hav a person talking to them. They don’t get sad and they revitalize, gaining massive amounts of energy and I think this is why they grow so fast.”

“It can’t be as easy as that.”

“It sure is, but you need to be committed. Realize that many plants have a distrust of humans due to how terribly they treat them. Most are indifferent and only a very few care. But you can’t just talk to them, you gotta talk to them like they’re a real person, like a friend.”

“Well that’s amazing. Any closing words you would like to leave the audience with?”

“Try growing a plant today. Just one is enough. Just try it, you may like it and you can make someone’s day, even if that someone is a plant.”

Well that’s an interview. Not even that long but I’m too tired to continue writing. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.