ing and popping out. “And it should have worked,” said Bulstrode. I didn’t even get time to finish the article as we had traveled from September 20th GMT to September 2nd. “Gosh darn, I don’t have the news to tell me what happened today, what am I supposed to write about?” I asked Bulstrode. “Just check the title.” “Ah, good- wait a minute I didn’t write the title yet, stop imposing your time manipulating skills on my poor brain. You know what? My journalist flow is telling me something is taking place at Leafblower Elementary, let’s roll out.”

You all know Džana, it’s a home staple at this point. Some see her as a herald sent from a different realm to save the school, and some see her as a trouble-maker disrupting the local peace. What everyone can agree on is that she is becoming a major force in local politics. If you haven’t caught up you can use the Hecrenews’ search feature and that might help.

Džana’s trap for the board has been set. It is so elaborate even I can’t grasp it. The entire student body all had input in it, after all, that’s 500 workers! If we had 500 people here at the Hecrenews my job would be a lot easier. Anywho I can’t really get the scoop of this trap, but once the board falls into it Džana will somehow have control of the board. I have no clue how any of this makes any sense but my instincts tell me it’s gonna work. Džana is already president of all the clubs, but before she can take out the board she needs to take down the school administration. In an organized group effort all the students stormed the admin office, but to their surprise no one was there. Mr. Karo Cann was nowhere to be seen. Džana went up to Cann’s desk and observed the metal name tent which proudly laid strong on the desk. Džana then deftly flicked it down and pulled out a brand new name tent, with her name on it, and placed the tent on the desk. The student body cheered, it was pure bliss. People from all around the city heard these elementary school students’ triumph, their overcome of obstacles in their path, and began to weep joyful tears. Other principals from around were shook by this powerful statement but remained firm because they weren’t as pitiful of a sight as Mr. Karo Cann. Rumors have it Mr. Karo Cann has emigrated to Mongolia, where he intends to live as an ibex for the remainder of his life. Now that Džana was the principal of Leafblower Elementary, she was going to attack the board.

A few hours after the board got info about the Džana-level takeover, they began a meeting to discuss their future plans. In the history of history never before has a student taken down the principal and became the principal of the school. Some schools have a principal of the day feature, but that is like bring your child to work, Džana was the legit principal of the school, the school’s website was even updated to reflect this. The board had some major decisions to make, but their plan was to shut down Leafblower Elementary. Of course, Džana had already prepared for this. Outside of the district school building, where the meeting was taking place, Carl Mugabe had parked his ice cream van and was harnessing the power of the electromagnetic spectrum to send radio waves to communicate to Leafblower what was going on in the meeting in real time. Džana was ready to make her move. I was observing from a distance so I don’t really know what went down, but I saw an army of students storm into the building. It looked like a real battlefield, not even, it seemed far larger. A later interview with some of the students revealed insightful information, such as, “It was pure chaos, but it was also mad fun,” “You should’ve been there, it was cool,” “We roasted those old people so much,” and “We are the senate now.” I have no clue what happened, how this 4D chess was being played, but I soon saw the board members walking about of the building all with their heads down in shame: they had resigned and given control of the board to Džana, who appointed some students to run it.

And so the tensiosn are rising once again. Džana just needs to take down the superintendent, and then she can pacify the students, bring peace to the land, and much more good stuff. She’s already made history, but she’s not going to stop until she reaches her final goal. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in an- “Hurry, the time machine is pretty finicky, we have to go to September 3rd now!”