d popping. “Bruh, can you let me at least do my closing signature for these articles?” “But it’s kind of better like this so they know it’s part of the time travel.” “Cannot argue with your point Bulstrode. Lucky for me today I already wrote half of the article, but something happened and I didn’t write the other half.”

Somewhere in the Hecresphere schools are being closed down to protect the safety of their staff and students. However, as schools close, cheating rates drop to an absolute 0, because if there is no school there is no cheating. This doesn’t seem like much of a problem but for the local cheating club at Tigrnonii High School, this is huge, and the club even had to disband.

“Let me clear up some things,” said the club’s leader, who anonymously goes by Alfred Dominigo. “We’re a big name underground school club, we don’t do any of that legal school club stuff, and that’s why we have such a good reputation. Underground schools clubs are where it’s at, I’m part of 7 others excluding the cheating club. We even got a club sponsor and a fake club front. It’s easy, here we learn how to fabricate, so as long as we fabricate legit club activities, the school won’t know anything!” Dominigo has been leading the cheating club since elementary school. There weren’t clubs in elementary school but there were no restrictions on who could start a club so he was allowed to. Apparently the club’s front was “Scholarly Research Club,” a club aimed at conducting exper-level research to discover new things and enrich kids minds. That was all a facade, of course. Really the Cheating Club specialized in training students. This wasn’t any ol’ there’s a teacher in class teaching you stuff, this was hard-boiled military style training. There was a code of honor which could not be broken, strict discipline was needed, as a mistake for a soldier could mean death on the battlefield, a mistake for an ADer (Short for Academic Dishonesty) could make their reputation is ruined forever, causing them to be unable to attain jobs do to their untrustworthiness, leading to a life of poverty and deprivation.

The teachers, other than the sponsor, did not know what was truly happening but those we’ve talked with said the memebrs of the Scholarly Research Club were some of the best students they’ve seen, and they have great character. Ignoring their grades, they have high maturity, are always helping out other students, and are overall great to work with. Their streak of straight 100s was suspicious to some teachers, but they wrote it off because the kids behaved so civil. These kids were experts in communicating. There was a suttle code which changed for each test, information had to be passed between classes and to future classes. Synchronized bathroom visiting, hand movements, glancing, playing with hair. What seemed like test stress was all an expert conversation. These kids knew how to split up the work. It’s hard for 20 kids to complete 20 difficult problems, but it’s no problem for 20 kids to finish one problem each, then they just need to transfer the information. It is genius.

Tests are one thing, and there are many, many methods to cheat, but what about projects? Is it even possible to cheat on those? The Cheating Club knows and the answer is a solid yes. These kids are a master of plagiarism, but making it look like they didn’t write it. Some teachers call it paraphrasing, summarizing, but these kids know the truth, and the truth is they are plagiarizing. Teachers cannot crack the code, and they give the benefit of the doubt. For them, it is better to name a non-innocent innocent than name an innocent as non-innocent, and usually they think the people who are not in the “Scholarly Research Club” are the ones who are likely to cheat.

We even asked the principal of the school about this, and his response was surprising. “I knew about it. Who do you think I am? I’m the principal of this school, nothing gets past me.” “Why are you letting these kids commit AD, in other schools this is an act of treason, destroys your GPA, and leaves you blacklisted.” “These kids are geniuses, and they are developing useful skills in the real world. If the teachers can’t catch them, that’s their problem. I think of it like this. For one, these kids know teamwork, and that’s important in the work force, where companies complete task which require hundreds of people, so knowing how to work as a team is key. These students also know how to communicate. You know this takes me back to my own years in high school, this kid got the Student of the Month award for communication, became the master of communication, and is now a very successful person. Simply being able to communicate will take these kids places. Who needs to know the mitochondria is the powerhouse of a cell? Not all these kids are going to be doctors, they know how to focus on their goal and take the most efficient path there, and I can respect that. It’s kind of sad to see the cheating rates drop, but you should know, the cheating rate is only for the people caught cheating, and that is unacceptable. Cheat all you want, but don’t get caught.” The principal tried to say the wink emoji but we were unable to transcribe that, rops.

This has been your time-hopping journalist, Mister Mjir, poppin-