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How to be a Prolific Writer, by Banana The Human
Yo yo yo(my name is Baby Joe), I’m gonna impart some great wisdom on you readers today. In fact, I’m probably going to change your lives(Don’t mention it). I’m going to teach you on how to become the Plorificarest-that’s a real word, take my word for it(I’ll drop it off near the shady water fountains near Leafblower Elementary)-writer there ever t’was.
Now there are many good writers, but one thing that good writers struggle with is writing more often. Now, that’s not a challenge anymore for me, because you know, I definitely post a lot on Hecrenews, but for most beginners, it’s a real problem. The way I propose defeating this nemesis(without arson of course), is to write every single day. I mean every single day. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, it just matters that you wrote. Wow, this article is actually starting to sound like a good guide. That’s not good for my competency level, so I’m gonna now give you, the faithful Hecrenews readers, some absolutely useless tips to cement my low credibility.
Tip 1: Use [REDACTED]. It works absolutely super darn good, and has often helped me improve my [REDACTED]. I strongly approve [REDACTED] to all you readers.
Well, that’s it. I know the reader’s might want some actual Banana The Human articles, like the actually decent ones I used to post. Don’t worry, I’ve got some actual no-nonsense solid 100% authentic Banana The Human articles coming in the near future. This is Banana The Human, hopefully only saying goodbye for like a day or two.