After arduous work producing articles after articles like a factory machine, I (Mister Mjir), have lost the daily streak. The boss was giving a nice pay increase but now it will be rescinded after losing this streak. Many there was a time I tried to do a permanent daily streak but it always failed, and every time afterwards when I did a streak the boss payed less and less. It was still barely more than the regular pay but I may not even get a bonus next streak. This is a major rops.

The journalist life is pretty hard. The Hecresphere is quite large and it’s hard to get equal representation, far more than even posting an article each day. Sometimes just to keep the streak we don’t even post news but put a letter of the day, and it’s sad to see the Hecrenews regress to such a state. We must continue to strive higher and aspire more with our ideas!

This historical streak went from July 27th to September 1st. That is just over a month long, pretty impressive and makes you feel old. Strangely enough I feel like I can’t remember what happened the past few days, if only I could go back in time to see what happened…