Nadya Ségolène was an avid learner even in her youngest years. She learned how to read a book before her parents could even teach her what an apple was. She was doing adition before she could walk. She was conducting experiments before she could talk! Her parents were worried because they knew Ségolène’s superior genius would come at a cost, so they did their absolute best to ensure their child’s emotional and social growth, but it seems she was good at that too. Experts say she read the Hecrenews to obtain even more information (as a supplement to her daily encyclopedias, dictionaries, textbooks, literature, which she never forget once she read). After reading about some school named Leafblower Elementary, she knew what needed to be done to be successful at everything. Ségolène was the one who was known by her teachers because she was able to unite the entire class, not only become friends with everyone, but be a mediator and solve everyone’s problems. Her parents didn’t even know what to do with her, she was just too bright, in fact, they were getting advice from Ségolène herself.

What really sets Ségolène apart from the other child prodigies is something much different from the others. Others skip grades, attend college early, are just super smart. Ségolène had finished every school’s college cirriculum (after going through all the high school cirriculum’s) by the time she entered pre-school. She had already read all the academic papers and was reading on the breakthroughs in science and technology. No one knew what to do with her, she was literally to smart. Who just casually walks into Pre-K, of all grades, and has already finished every single course, subject, at (in theory) every single school. Ségolène just now had to be good at sports, but no one doubted she wouldn’t show results. It would only be a matter of time before the professors and scientists began seeking her knowledge, but there was one problem.

Ségolène wanted to grow up as a normal kid. She wanted to interact with people her own age, not some creepy old people who would just use her to get opinions/questions answered. However, school was very boring as she already knew everything. Most of the school day was “learning new material,” but Ségolène was only at school for the social interactions. She couldn’t be disruptive to the class, and a few days she even taught the class and studies showed those kids IQ’s doubled every time Ségolène taught them. Ségolène considered creating a website that talked about many academic courses so people across the world could learn but that was already done by some Sal Khan guy (in the universe that had Earth at least). Ségolène considered expanding this to other galaxies, and perhaps other universes but going to a different universe would be very dangerous, you would need a team of people all at Ségolène’s level to be successful. Ségolène considered solving many societal problems, and had already began working on them. Clean water, global hunger, access to the internet, a better education system, all the plans were in the works and now the only step left was for some old people in government to give the O.K. to do it.

Other kids seem to have a general consensus on how they view their classmate. “We wanna be like her, and she’s a huge inspiration. I wish I could be that smart. No, I don’t wish, everyday I’m working twice as hard as the day before so I can catch up,” says Terri Christabelle. The kids see Ségolène as an inspiration and aspire. Perhaps the students around her will also be problem solvers just because she is, perhaps not, who knows?! I think this article is about the length to be HAC approved so I’m not going to write much more. We’ll keep up updated on when Ségolène finds something that isn’t boring. In the meanwhile, see if you can finish all the school’s by Pre-K, pretty tricky, huh. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.