Solveiga Ulisses was looking to expand her local business overseas, but needed a fast method of getting past the vast ocean to reach the exotic city where Mount Sundoro lies. Simply walking a swimming would take too long, and while it would be a nice exercise, she simply had better things to do (like running her local business which deals in local affairs). Since she is not [insert generic rich inventor superhero] cars apparently do not work underwater. Boats are fine but they simply take too long, and there are many distractions. Using an animal might be a viable option, but the choatic animal lovers group (who have broken into numerous people’s residencies and put down pets) will get onto her, and there will be little help there. Ulisses had to come up with some new innovative idea ot cross overseas, and boy oh boy is the story interesting.

Ulisses took a trip to a hangar. A hangar is a place where large metallic vehicles are stored. These strange contraptions are called airplanes, and no one really knows why. SAR (Hecrenew’s science team, stands for something I’m sure) is on break so I cannot get expert information on what an airplane is. Airplanes are quite clunkly machines, they are very big and very slow on the ground, in fact they are usually towed around by other vehicles. What a shame. However, after the pilot of the machine started discussing what the machine does, Ulisses was in awe. Airplanes have a peculiar ability to take flight. This has never been seen before. The animals who ruled the land got demoted when humans began building houses and cars, the animals who ruled the seas got demoted when humans began building ships, and now the uncontested ruler of the skies, birds, are about to get demoted.

“How can such a machine fly?” asked Ulisses in utter shock. It was radical, madness, unfathomable. “Well you see, it came at a great cost, this machine right here. Of course most machines are bound to the ground in some way, you can pretend water is some sort of ground that the boat rolls on. But skies, that’s just impossible. I did want to fly but I knew it was impossible. This was all until I went into a very suspicious looking alley and met the man who would change my fate, but at what a cost, I can’t even describe it. What was his name. Ah yes, Brian Jones. I have said it once and I shall not say it again. He is a man of pure evil, destruction, insanity. If I keep on talking I will become delusional, let’s end this there.” Ignoring the very sus person the pilot was discussing, at the end of the day airplanes do have the strange ability to fly. No one really know how it works. After Issac Newton invented gravity after the apple fell on his head, nothing was able to fly, and yet planes do. It must be some dark magic force.

The boss doesn’t pay me enough to do a comprehensive investigation and proper journalism on this matter so I will just leave it at that, planes are sus and can fly. Ulisses utilized this ability to travel overseas to Mount Sundoro and opened up a foreign branch of her local company. As Ulisses herself says, “business is booming,” and the company is doing pretty well with its overseas branch. Ulisses has to be careful not to expand too much, or else her business won’t be local anymore, but the progress and profits are rolling in.

The strange ability of planes to fly is very intriuging though, I will pass this on to Wopps Minor, who has written many great articles about the science of our world and experiements. For now this has been Mister Mjir, popping in and popping out.