All throughout his childhood Slips McGee was bullied for his name. Everyone would say he would slip up, or fall down. Some even went to the extent of trying to make Slips McGee trip while walking down the hallways. However, Slips McGee shows resolve and resilience because he has achieved something people thought would never be possible. Slips McGee never slips up.

While the kids in the back were pretending to be looking for the homework they never completed, Slips McGee had finished his homework days before and already turned it in, sometimes he finished the homework before the teacher even made it. During P.E., Slips McGee never slipped up. Basketball, baseball, football, American football, soccer, water polo, you name it, Slips McGee never slips. Slip McGee’s fame from slipping allowed him to make many industry level contacts at a very young age. By the time he was in middle school advertisers would hire Slip McGee to endorse non-stick pans, Slip McGee was even hired by a company inventing a new type of water that is super viscous and doesn’t slip and spill all over the place. Slip McGee was already making a name for himself while his classmates were having their world shattered by learning math had letters.

Slip McGee had attained local fame. If you went to his city, it was known as Slip’s City. Slip McGee had so much enthusiam from his supporters he made an original blockbuster song, called “Never Gonna Slip Myself.” Slip McGee seems like he would reach celebrity status, but there were a number of factors preventing this. Mainly, the town from next over had a local celebrity of their own. Dry Bai was known for always staying dry. He would walk in the rain, and not get wet. He would take a bath, and come out without a drop of water. It was impossible to get Dry Bai wet! The two cities knew what they had to do, the district was not big enough for both of these forces of natures, so they had a competition. Unfortunately, the competition was determined to be rigged, but by the time authorities found out, Slip McGee was already banished and Dry Bai had become a celebrity, it was not good news for Slip McGee.

Slip McGee still has his fans, however. If you take a snail, a penny, a nail, and some other various items, the local officer will accept the bribe and allow you to visit Slip McGee, and Slip McGee still connects with his fans through that medium. Every day Slip McGee is showing off his anti-slip abilities, being unable to slip. Rainy days, muddy water, super slip surfaces, water slides, Slip McGee simply does not slip. Slip McGee soon caught word of the competition being rigged, and plans to make a comeback.

For now we can just be in awe of Slip McGee’s ability to never slip, it is a world wonder. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.