It is time to settle the debate, alpacas, or llamas?

First off, what are these two?

Here is an alpaca

Here is a llama

Both can be found in Peru, and are part of Camelidae, the camel family. It may not jump out to you immediately, but camels are part of camelidae as well, making camels the alpaca/llama of Africa and Asia. There are four lamoid species: alpaca, llama, vicuña, and guanaco. All four can mix and combine to create offspring, it’s like a mix and match burrito deal! Here we are not going to set aside their differences, but instead bring up their differences to determine who is the best lamoid.


Llamas are bigger, and that’s pretty much the end of the story there. Not only are llamas bigger than alpacas, but llamas are the biggest lamoid of the bunch, deserving bonus points! Looks like llamas got a lead in this one.


Alpacas have smaller, more blunt faces with short ears. Llamas have more elongated faces with ears the size of bananas! Judging someone by their face isn’t really fair, so I’m told in a situation like this you guys can discuss in the comments below to see which lamoid has the better face.


Alpacas have shaggy, big, fluffy hair that can be used for fleece, and they come in many fun colours such as white, yellow, brown, and black. Llama wool is simply considered inferior. Looks like alpacas are combing back into the game.


Llamas can carry a lot. 45 to 60kg for up to 30km every day. That is brute strength that your poor Pablo here can never manage to pull off. However, at there is a cost. Llamas like to complain a lot. I’ve seen it live in action. If you overwork them, or treat them badly, llamas will spit, kick, lie down, and/or refuse to move. However, this is only when you push them to their limits, since otherwise they are pretty tame. Alpacas are more timid and like to stay with their herd. However, here is the real kicker. Llamas can be used as guard animals for livestock like alpacas and sheep. Llamas are guarding the alpacas! I think this alone proves their dominance, even more so the fact that alpaca need to be guarded like sheep. Can you believe it, alpaca are like sheep! I think the debate here is over, llamas are a clear winner.

However, new discoveries happen all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if a researcher found a groundbreaking fact that makes llamas insignificant to alpacas, but for now, llamas are clearly the GOAT. You can count on your friendly neighborhood Pablo to keep you updated on the things hip and happening in Peru. You may have noticed I didn’t call in SAR, our resarch team here at the Hecrenews, well don’t worry, because when in Peru, you just have pure knowledge of these things, it is essential to the way of life. Anywho, did you agree or disagree?