Here in the depths of Peru a man faces a great challenge. Jean Bule is on the search for a pant, but is only able to find pants. Throughout all the jeans and sweatpants, Bule is not able to find a single pant, they always come in pairs. Bule has been roaming the streets of Puno for a couple of months now, and we are excited to get a live interview with him. Bule doesn’t want to buy a pair of pants and cut them in half. He doesn’t need two pants, so creating an extra would be a waste, and Bule doesn’t want to pay the steep extra Sol for another pair. There were many hot days, long walks, countless talking to countless store owners, and Bule could not find a single pant.


“Hello Bule. I am Pablo, a Hecrenews author. Thank you for allowing this interview to happen, we are so excited about this opportunity.”

“No problembo, what questions do you got for me?”

“First we got to know, what is a singular pant? Why is it a pair of pants and why do you need a singular pant?”

“You see, it all has to do with how society has changed. You see, in the beginning there were pantaloons. They wre actually two things you put on. You put on one leg, tie it around your waist, then put on the other one. In our current age, pants are manufactured as one piece of clothing, and this is great. I personally love this, but there is a problem. We lack customization. We lack mixing and matching. Why do we have to settle for what we have. Mixing up pants to create a pair of pants will make our society more expressive and more colorful. I think it’s a necessary change. At first people will think it’s dumb and crazy, but that is always the case for new trends. After time, I’m certain everyone will be mixing and matching pants to create the perfect pair for the day.”

“Wow, that’s great! Sadly, I don’t think there is a shop here in Puno that sells singular pant(s), I doubt there would be in all of Peru? So what is your plan? I don’t think searching will help you anymore.”

“Well Pablo I’ve been thinking the same thing, and luckilly, I already started working on a solution. I think it’s easier if I show you.”

We leave the public bench and I start following Jean Bule through the streets of Puno. Soon, we reach a small shop. Bule takes me inside and I stand in shock at the pant making factory. Bule has gathered some workers and they were manufacturing pants. Every single one had a unique pattern on it. In addition to the pants, some people were making a unique garmet that allows you to attach the two pant(s) for easy mixing and matching. I was amazed, and they were making a lot of pant(s).

“I’ve started making my own pant-s. I couldn’t find any stores that have any, so I realized I needed to make that store, and be the positive change in the world that we need. I’m certain we will be changing the future for the better.”

“Wow that is amazing, and I hope people reading this article check out your store. By the way, why were you only looking for one pant?”

“I think some things are better kept secret.”

And that was the end of the interview. The world we live in is a world full of pants and no pant(s), but brave people like Bule are here to fight against the world, to make change, and make the difference. I think that is enough inspiration for now, the boss asked me to add some inspiration to the articles, not exactly sure why, but that’s that.