Resistance to vaccines has been a problem plaguing society for much of our recent pandemics. With a significant portion of the population refusing vaccines for a variety of reasons (*cough cough* (that’s what the unvaccinated peeps might be doing right now)), we run the risk of never reading her immunity. However, judging from the results of a recent study, that may be about to change.

Spearheaded by Sheeple (Dunnel/Dunnell/etc etc lorem ipsum), SAR sought to try and find a way for anti-vaxxers and the such to be more incentivized to get vaccinated. Multiple trials were conducted, testing a variety of alternative vaccine administrations methods. Purely for logical purposes, the scientists on the team elected to rent a charter bus in order to sample vaccine responsiveness in populations all across the nation. When asked about this rather unorthodox decision while boarding the bus, Dunnel/Dunnell, shirtless (:grimace:) and dressed in swimming trunks, only said that it was “the best method to minimalist bias in the data set.” Saying thus, he and the rest of the scientists packed all manner of scientific implements into the bus, namely a couple surfboards, ski poles, snorkeling gear, and hiking boots. The bus left with a screech, leaving only burnt rubber and the echoes of a surprisingly exuberant “Cowabunga!” in the background. Dang I guess those scientists really love conducting surveys, huh.

The inoculation station, as soon became called, traveled all across the country. From Snaxachusetts to Snaxe Francisco, scientists tried a variety of methods to see which would be accepted by the public. When infused into mashed potatoes, the vaccine was received quite well in Snaskatoon but not anywhere in Snaxas, and the aerosol spray was universally dismissed as “diddly darn pseudosciencey witchcraft”. After completing their cross-nation vacationresearch project, the scientists came back to hecrenews HQ, looking about 50x more refreshed than they should have been after traveling for months doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and surveying. Kinda sus, no? But data was data.

And from this data-esque data, Sheeple Dunnel/Dunnell was able to extrapolate that most Americans, instead of taking to the wildly unique administrations like the mRNA moisturizer or the Viral Vector Vindaloo, just wanted regular old shots. Sheeple quickly contacted his fellow nerdy-buds at the CDC with his findings, and they contacted their nerdier-buds to start up some vaccine shot production.

Needless to say, shots with an infusion of Covid vaccine will be nothing but an instant hit. Might even make them tastier, who knows😋? Bars and other alcoholly places seem to be places of mass congregation as well that would greatly benefit from having a more vaccinated client population.

I know I can’t wait to see how the new COVID-19 shots impact the current situation, how about you? This has been hector, popping in and now popping out. :wink: :smirk: