Literature is constantly evolving, it’s a field which will always be relevant. There are many people who have pushed the boundaries of literature. William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Associated Members of the Hecretary Bird Association (who are still working on that book. Now, we are living in a revolution, a new height of literature is being reached.

Witness this masterpiece.

Epic story

Now my last tackle with tough literature was a lot, but this passage has so much more depth. It’s wrong to call it a passage, this has the worth of a whole series of novels. The author bit can have an entire article on its own, I’ll condense this for your viewing experience. First there is the profile picture of a lazy red panda loafing around on a tree branch. The art style, the expression, there is so much weight and character to this image. You can tell more from the author with this profile picture compared to a headshot of a person, in fact, this piece of writing is so phenomenal, I wouldn’t be surprised if the red panda in the picture is the actual author. Then there is the name. ‘Baddest Rumbler Cat :sunglasses:’. I don’t know how to escape the colons, so looks like I’ll be stuck with the sunglasses emoji, but it should be colon-sunglasses-colon. Anyways, what a name. I am impressed, there is so much meaning behind this name. Combined with the profile picture, I am astonished. This is not just any cat, but it is the Baddest Rumbler Cat, and it’s so bad and has so much style, sunglasses is a part of its name!!! I don’t know what exactly rumbling entails, but I’m sure this is the baddest cat that rumbles. This is a great figure.

Now onto the story. It begins with *salvador. Usually, stories begin with an exposition, setting up the context for the story. However, in text talk, an asterisk usually indicates a correction, whether you are correcting your own message or someone else’s. What exactly is Baddest Rumbler Cat :sunglasses: trying to tell with the first line? I am not qualified enough to tell, I’m just a journalist. Afterwards, the Cat sends a picture of a potted plant, and there are two responses to the plant, both being the ‘yum’ emoji. This potted planted must be delicious, or at least that’s what I infer from it. Maybe the plant is from El Salvador, or maybe salvador means something else on its own. Salvador means saviour, or messiah in Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese. I can provide this information, but I really cannot help you decipher what it means, BRC 😎 is too great of a writer for me to figure this out. Anyways, next there is a fire. A heart is engulfed in the fire. Then there is a fire extinguisher, it puts out the fire and the heart is back to normal. Uh-oh! Watch out, there is a fencer. The fencer pokes at the heart, and breaks it. Oh, what a tragic tale, it hurts even my heart! Is this a love story, a tragedy, a comment on the current world? I will never know, maybe it’s all of them.

The heart has gone through so much. It was blazing! Now this could be due to passion, in a positive sense, or it could’ve been like a house fire, in a tragic sense. All we can infer is eventually, that fire died out, and the heart returned to normal. What is the significane of the potted plant before the heart? What is the significance of salvador and how do they all relate? Maybe salvador means there is no saviour, or it could mean the story takes place in El Salvador. What we do know, is at the end of the story, the heart is broken. This is what is so beautiful about this story, it can mean so many different things depending on your outlook and perspective. Each picture on its own is worth a thousand words, when you combine multiple pictures together, you have what’s basically a book. Let’s observe the story from a romantic view, like with Romeo and Juliet. There is a burning passion, probably falling in love. After some time, things begin to cool down and the lustful heart has calmed, but it is still a heart and still has feelings. However, tragedy strikes and either the lovee or an outside force swiftly strikes the heart, and all that’s left is a broken heart. This is so sad. Now to get even sadder, we can observe the story through the lens of a tragedy, like Macbeth. Natural tragedy strikes, maybe environmental or societal, and someone gets caught up in it. It hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, and the tragedy is eventually overcome. The person has grown from this, stronger than ever, but life is not up to that person. The fencer, representing even greater tradgedy, strikes! This time, the heart is broken for good. Overcoming one kind of adversity may make you stronger, but if you live in the biggest lake, you’ve never seen the ocean.

I am [REDACTED] and this is sooo deep. I can’t wait to read more from BRC 😎. In the meantime, I will keep on reading this and learn more about life from it. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.