Let’s not waste time. Skip class or take the pass, the classic dilemma. Do you be a rowdy, straight up raucous heathen and just dip class, or do you follow the rules and take the pass? You don’t wanna be a nerd following the rules, but is being a delinquent really worth the risks? I don’t know much about business, but let’s delve into the risks and rewards.

Skipping Class

Skipping class, it’s classic. Truly timeless. Ever since classes existed, people have been skipping classes. The point of skipping a class is to not take it. Sometimes, there are just better things to do. Go to the mall, go to the park, watch a movie, run your business, cure cancer (let’s not lie, learning about John Donne’s The Flea is one of the best parts of your English class, but it probably won’t help you solve cancer). Here’s the problem, in some countries and some states, children are required to attend school. A skipper’s biggest enemy, truancy. Children can actually get punished for skipping school. Going to court, failing classes, it’s a big mess. The trick about skipping is to do it so you won’t get in trouble. Skipping class with impunity is truly a dream. If everyone could skip class, there wouldn’t be any point. Because skipping class is something one is not supposed to do, that’s what makes it exciting. There is a certain feeling you get when you know you’re breaking the rules. It’s a complicated topic so we will come back to this. Sometimes skipping is ethical, especially if you are taking a class just for the credit, or a blow-off class. However, there are some legendary courses one must never skip, and yet some students will still get rowdy and skip these classes. Anywho, don’t worry about skipping because we will come back to it, let’s discuss taking a pass for some time.

Taking the Pass

‘May I use the bathroom?’ ‘It’s January.’ Getting a pass excuses you from a class. You obtain permission to escape class and go and do your own stuff. Here’s the catch, you’ll only get 5 minutes of that sweet sweet respite. How will you optimize that time? You could maybe use communication applications to time ‘going to the bathroom’ at the same time to chat with friends, or maybe you just actually need to use the bathroom. Having a pass is good, but you always have to be on the lookout for E = vB, that’s right, the Hall Monitor. Those sneaky little buggers are always there at the worst times looking to bust you for skipping class. Skipping class by taking a pass and getting caught is much worse than simply skipping class. If you take the pass too much, your teacher will notice and may prevent you from skipping class. The legal method does have such a stingy regulation, I don’t think it’s worth it. However, if you know how to optimize those 5 minutes, you should still be able to accomplish some great stuff. If you’re lucky with your teacher, you may be able to even get away with 30 minutes without being noticed. A true stealth mission, and by following the ‘regulations,’ you won’t have any bad marks on your record.

Other Notes

There is a strategy to give total escape. If you get your parents on board, you can get a pass for skipping any class. You don’t need a doctor’s note if you were only ‘sick’ for a day or two, that’s because you’re not supposed to see a doctor unless you have either something really severe or symptoms for three days. If you can get a note from your parents, you have the legendary pass. You can skip entire days. However, sometimes you will still need to do the work assigned to you. If you skip out on your assignments, you might find yourself getting 0s and you could fail the class. That means not only will you have to retake it if there are core requirements, but you will not be getting credit for this. Your grade point average may be hit, but if you’re focused on the bigger things in life then this shouldn’t be a worry. Truancy court will probably be your worst nightmare. Time is of the essence, and it’s up to you to make the right decisions to get time. Once you get time, then you just need to figure out how to make the most of it.

Hope this article gave you some insight. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.