Stephani Wigmund placed a plate full of wheat, fruits, vegetables, and dairy onto the dining table at around noon. After not even 15 minutes, the food had disappeared. “Why me?” said Wigmund, “I just wanted to put some food on the dining table, now it’s all gone!”

Wigmund is one of millions whose food disappeared during lunchtime. “This food disappearing phenomenom is getting out of hand,” says local scientist Phoebe Hermione. “Food is vital for the survival of humans, without it it’s very hard to live.” Experts say you can survive without oxygen for 3 seconds, without water for 3 days, and without food for 3 weeks. Three weeks is a long time, but with the surge of the skinny populus, even three hours could be too long without food. Investigators have already begun work on finding a possible suspect, but have made no progress as of now.

It is possible multiple suspects are involved, as the lunch disappearing phenomenom is happening across all nations. “The bandit must be stopped,” says Wigmund. Wigmund spent hours preparing a feast for her family only to have it all gone. The amount of effort required to preapre a feast so huge is unimaginable, and we doubt she was actually able to do everything, but we know she did.

In addition to the friendly local scientist, we asked food scientists for their expert insight as well. “Well,” begins Imaan Radovan, “It could be possible that people are just eating their food. This would cause the disappearing effect. However, it doesn’t explain the amnesia people are getting. Normally people will remember eating the food but it seems it is not the case. Despite that I still strongly believe people are just eating their food.” We cannot trust the verit of Radovan’s claims though, because disappearing does not correlate to eating. This is a strange mystery and times are getting tougher with the loss of consciousness phenomenom during night time. Strap on tight and stay calm, the best solution so far is to carefully watch your food and always keep it in your sights.