After meditating in the Himalayas for quite some time, I discovered some mouth watering recipies which will cause a revolution in your taste buds.

It started when the vegetarian vs. non-vegetarian calamity began. Being a vegetarian living in a non-vegetarian community, life was tough. As tensions escalated, it was actually getting rather dangerous, the non-vegetarians began persecuting thevegetarians they knew. It was then I knew I had to make my escape. Planes and boats were too dangerous, but I needed to get to the other side of the world. Luckily with my connections to the HBA, I was able to find a safe underground tunnel route one of my colleagues made a long time ago, and the tunnels lead practically everywhere. Anywho, the journey to the otherside of the planet took quite a while. I encountered a few plain snaxii and even some yellow snaxii (read more about snaxii at the hecrepedia). Luckily I followed the snaxing guidelines created by the HBA and I had myself some Snaxe Spray.

Soon I was smack dab in Nepal. It was quite rural so I was safe from the vegetarian and non-vegetarian riots happening in the cities of where I am from. The views were breath-taking (just like Keanu Reeves)

It took a while but eventually I was in the Himalayans peaks. It is quite dangerous and scary, but a calm mind can easily scale it. Once I reached the peaks I just choose a spot and began meditating. I began to hear the voices of the universe and feel all the life energy around me. It was getting pretty wacc but luckily I was broken from the meditative state with my stomach calling for some food. There was nothing nearby and I did not pack any food with me, if a non-vegetarian found out I was a vegetarian it would’ve been risky in those times. There was a huge slab of ice nearby and I just ate it.

That slab of ice was the most deliccious food I had ever eaten. The ice stays solid but after keeping it in your mouth for some time it melts into a liquidy water and tastes like hydrogen and oxygen with some electrons flowing through it. It was truly incredible. After seeing the calamity had ended on the Hecrenews site, I knew I had to share these recipies with the world.

Boiled Water

Put water in a pot and set it for boiling. Serve hot or let it cool. Boil it for longer if you really want to kill those microbes.

Scrambled Water

Put some oil in a pan and heat it up. Put some water into the pan, it should be sizzling. Watch the texture of the water and make sure to take it off and on the heat when needed.

Also add some black pepper and salt if you would like.


Put some water into a container. Freeze the water using a freezer or other means (taking it up to the himalayas gives it the best flavour). Serve cold.

Use cookie cutters to make fun shapes!

Those are all the recipies I am revealing for now. Make sure to get the Hecrenews cook book when it comes out (which I believe is going to be February 31 but the boss said no promises).