What’s popping my guys, I am bacc! I know the boss promised to pay more if I posted daily articles but I could not manage. I also started my own blog which I am gonna shamlessly plug (always remember the boss doesn’t pay that much) right here. Anywho, the boss said we are going to have to lock horns with another up and coming news website. Apparently I cannot reveal that yet and it’s supposed to be speculation, but it seems big and rumor is going around that this is a request from the super higher-ups, the HBA, and that’s pretty serious. Enough of my return, let’s get popping with the latest scoop.

Leafblower Elementary is your typical Elementary school, but on the inside it’s a special world. People like Carl Mugabe are working hard to improve the school and the vast history of the school is yet to be revealed. Wopps Minor has promised more articles but we have yet to see them, unfortunately I had to take this scoop from him because it was just too curious to be left alone.

Billa is what most call a bright kid. The teacher’s love him, he is engaged during class and even helps his struggling classmates. He always asks high-level questions and is amazing at grades and sports and has many friends too. Basically Billa was who you wanted to be in school. But, there was more to this bright kid than meets the eye, for Billa was also the head honcho of a huge backdoor scheme, the underground school organization known as [REDACTED]. Oh, guess we will call it GUSO, for Generic Underground School Organization. As bright as Billa was, he was given an induction test to the number one undergound school organization of which we cannot reveal or else they will be out to get us. It was a google form but it was a very difficult one. There were many sub sections and keys had to be obtained from each of the subsections and one wrong move and the whole thing would have to be redone with slightly different questions. Billa, the genius of Leafblower Elementary, failed the induction form. Billa was devastated, he was the number one in the school but still failed.

Things spiraled downhill from there. Upon hearing Billa’s failure, Billa’s girlfriend broke up with him, Billa sat alone at lunch during that day and no one came to help him. He didn’t take the bus home and took the long walk, but this was his worst mistake. Along the way home Billa encountered a Plain Snaxe. Now if you’ve read our HBA approved Snaxing guide you know all the hip tips and tricks, but Billa, an Elementary schooler, was not a boomer and didn’t read the news, so he knew nothing about Snaxe safety. The snaxe in question was very persuasive and convinced Billa he would recieve power but in exchange he would need to have an undergound school organization under the power of the Snaxii, that was how Billa would get his power.

Recruiting members in an undergound school organization seems impossible, but during lunch time with a little bit of intimidation, anything is possible. Billa seeked the highest caliber of students, including Daredevil Jack, and recruited them into his league. For a few months Billa’s organization was the 2nd biggest and 2nd most powerful in the school, but Billa’s reign would soon end. Although Billa got to power and was so close to reaching the biggest and strongest undergound school organization, he made his mistake on day one. Billa should have never trusted that snaxe. The HBA sniffed him out, they sensed a strong snaxe precense and took out the organization. Billa was so close to greatness, he was almost the number one undergound gang leader in the school, but everything went to ruin because he trusted a snaxe. Billa had learned his lesson, now all he can say is, “My name is Billa” in a said voice, almost crying everytime.

Power in school is easy to shift. When choosing the underground school organization you want to join, make sure it has a solid, clean foundation, snaxe-free of course and look not for the best one, but the most adamant one. But really, it all comes down to which underground school organization you want to join and what’s the best for you. Underground school organizations are very caring of their members, and they are a great group to join and can help prepare a young child for the real world. Just remember to read the Hecrenews and trust the HBA so you don’t make a mistake like Billa.