Local mayor Cäcilie Shaquila started an ambitious project in her city: she wanted to make the city greener by planting some more trees. Trees can provide delicious oxygen, shade on a hot summer day, habitats for birds, squirrels, and much more, and just look epic. Now our super loyal Renews readers will remember us delving into the topics of trees before in our previous article on the cause of trees swaying. So chances are, you already know a lot about trees, because we know that you too are a loyal Renews reader. However, the topic of this article is about something more special, something worth celebrating. A local tree has just grown an inch.

Shaquila’s initiative spurred the growth of 1000 trees in the city, definetely taking steps to make it greener, as if you were to take a bird’s eye view photo of the city after the trees have been planted there would obviously be more green as those are the colors of the tree’s leaves. But, it’s not only green and gets cooler, as deciduous trees are able to change based on the season, leading to a wide variety of seasonal looks. Now the tree that had just grown an inch was just one of the thousand. It wasn’t the first one planted in the city square or the last one, this is just one of them, a number if you will. However, the locals have been up-ing their environmental game in order to keep up with their mayor’s ambitious initiative. Caretakers have been watering the tree, feeding it copious amounts of nitrogen, and even taking it for walks. Wait, scratch that, that’s from a different article.

Ellena Donelly, Hecrenew’s most famous green-thumb (although arguably not the best) is impressed with the work of Shaquila and the town. “The community is really being brought together for a good cause. Don’t even think of the environmental benefits, people are supporting people and connecting with each other, and that’s a beautiful thing to see.” Ellena Donelly visited Shaquila’s town a couple of times and the self-proclaimed green rating (prescribed by Donelly) for the town has gone up significantly due to the project.

The citizens also have access to much cleaner air, previously the city was plagued by the smoke of many factories, but they were required to switch to more green and environmental friendly methods. Business owners were at first reluctant because they were going to have to pay big money to sustain a big green business by the town funded the entire project, so business owners didn’t put up any resistance.

“We’re not stopping there,” says Shaquila, “Next we’re going to implement green terraces on every building, and we will have projects after projects.” Shaquila is aiming to make her town the greenest place on Earth which is populated by everday citizens.