A few months ago a coach lost all hope in humanity due to a name selection competition. The HBA was busy with other pressing issues but they finally got a chance to look at the article and they are not happy. While the HBA loves the appreciation, dedication, and following of them or the Hecretary Bird, a sports team naming themselves after the Hecretary Birds has caught their radar.

First a distinction should be revealed. There are Hecretary Birds, the good guys who must fight and defeat the evil Snaxii. There are also other creatures but we will get to those at an other time, feel free the check out the Hecrepedia at your latest convienence (stay here a while…), hold up, the Hecrepedia isn’t updated to show the other creatures, nevermind. Anywho, out of the Hecretary Birds there are the Airplane Pigeons, the Lesser Zecretary Bird, and The Hecretary Bird, notice the capital The in the name. The Hecretary Bird is a Hecretary Bird, but a Hecretary Bird is not necessarily The Hecretary Bird, it’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

So why is it such a big deal? Well you see, the HBA has to keep up their reputation and the reputation of the Hecretary Bird. The HBA loves people talking about the greatness of the Hecretary Bird and also loves people talking about roasting some snaxii, but the Houston, Texas HecreTaries are not a sports team run by the HBA. The HBA currently does not have a sports team, but if a team is so incompetent that it cannot enough decide its own team name then it is not worthy of naming itself after The Hecretary Birds, although the love is still what the HBA wants. Apparently the legal issues are a little bit more complicated than that but it seems the simplest way to sum it up is the HBA does not deem the Houston, Texas HecreTaries worthy enough to represent such a big ting.

Ideally, the HBA would be the ones resolving this issue, but they’ve seen us perform on the legal issue saga and now can fully trust us in legal issues (more work for us, if only the boss could provide us with some better pay). It seems we are gonna have to settle the naming issue in court. It truly is sad, as long as the Texas HecreTaries added an ‘Unofficial’ to their name they would have been good to go. Instead we are going to try and have them change their name to the Florida #$!$!@#$%#@-ers. I don’t know about you but personally Florida #$!$!@#$%#@-ers rolls of the tongue really nicely and crisply. Who knows if we are going to see the legendary likes of Af Roman again, that first court meeting was already a once in a lifetime opportunity and those intimidation tactics were god-tier, possibly good enough to make him an Other Creature on the Hecrepedia and that is no easy feat.

Looking at the stats the Houston HecreTaries has been on a solid losing streak since their inception, sometimes losing by default, having many fouls, and a substantive amount of red flags. Interestingly though, many spectators say that the team would be great at American football, but the team insists on playing football, or American soccer. This is probably why they got on the HBA’s radar and why they’re a little upset.

Be sure to check out and follow the HBA’s twitter, which they have been running for a while. Great stuff right there. Anywho, this has been Mister Mjir, popping in and popping out.