At a local field hundreds of passionate people have gathered. However, these people are not passionate about what you would expect. These people vehemetly hate vents. We don’t know why, even SAR (Hecrenews Science and Research) is bamboozled. The leader of the rally, Tivan Ent, is busy telling the masses how terrible vents are. The evidence doesn’t seem legit, but the people sure are getting rallied up. I could see the energy coursing through their veins all the way from my safe observation point.

After the rally I got to interview some people so we can get a good scoop, and hopefully HAC (Hecrenews Article Quality Control) can push the boss to increase my wage, who knows. Guðrún Reijo tells us a little bit of why she hates vents. “It all started when I first asked what was that thing in the wall. I was quite curious back then so my I asked my parents for some books and started reading up on some facts. It was then I learned about the evils of vents. For one, just look at them. That’s not an inviting design. One would assume such things only scare little children, but I assure you the people who aren’t scared are just taking it for granted. Not only are there tons of tinny critteres and bugs living in there, there could be other monsters in there as well. In fact I was reading some stories from this news site and I felt eyes watching me from the vent. Thank goodness no one knocked on my door, that would have truly been terrifying. Vents are blowing air. Now this may not seem like a big deal to most people but it is. What if vents decide to blow hot air on a hot day, or cold air on a cold day?” This could seriously be dangerous and the public is just shoving it off like it’s not a big deal. Together, we can stop this, and end the evils of vents!”

Other participants of the rally seemed to have similar views. “I’ve had to go and remove all 100 of the vents in my house manually,” said Caoimhe Liat. “It’s a pretty good exercise and helps you with your DIY skills and helps keep you safe from those vile, evil vents. Those dastardous vents have some malicious plans coming up ahead.” Overall, the rally seemed pretty peaceful. Other time when we see protests or rallies sometimes they brake out into full blown riots, with collateral damage everywhere so it was good to see a relatively peaceful group for once.

Soon I was able to ask Ent, the leader of the group, for questions. “What do you want people to know?” I asked. “Well, people just gotta know. That’s it. Pretty simple and easy. Just be aware. Vents aren’t friends, they are enemies. You gotta open your eyes people. We’re not telling you to join our cult organization, we just want you to start taking action yourself. If we all work together, we can stop a disaster from happening. One of our members is even from the future, and the vents took over, so he came back to warn us. We need to heed those warnings or else it could be the end for civilization as we know it. If you could do one thing today, just inform someone new about this. Share and spread the message, that much will be a huge help. If you want to be more involved with helping us then please join our cult organization, we do a lot of fun activities.

The anti-vents are going to have more rallies and are planning to protest soon once they become more organization and have a little more outreach. Sadly that hasn’t happened yet so you’ll just have to wait for the next one. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.