The question on everyone’s minds: “What happened to Adalbert Bulstrode.” I know you totally did not forget him. He was the SAR’s number one go to person for double checking all science kinda stuff and he helped out with many articles. We don’t know exactly when but Bulstrode suddenly disappeared out of the picture. Rumors were going about he was just studying but we dutiful investigative journalists at the Hecrenews know he was up to something, and he was working on something big.

Remember way back in May Bulstrode thought turning the clocks back was the equivalent of time travel. His friends laughed at him but Bulstrode bounced back and began grinding through all of physics, easily making his way to the scientists who were making break-through discoveries. Just a few months of non-stop work, and Bulstrode was a master. They say it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at something. That’s about a year and a third and Bulstrode just did it in a few months, probably even less! Today we recieved an email from Bulstrode saying he discovered something big and called us down to a secret laboratory. The title probably spoils it but I do not know what it is yet, so I went there.

The laboratory was in a secret place. It looked like just a regular plain field, a nice natural place with lush grass, a pure river, and some mountains in the back. I walked a few meters in, I had to convert from feet because Bulstrode was a scientist and used the proper units. Units sure are getting weird these days. I should probably let Wopps in on the scoop of a person measuring car speed in hamburgers per bald eagle, pretty crazy stuff. Anywho, soon the ground under me revealed itself to be a secret platform, and I was pulled underneath to the secret laboratory. It’s no problem if I share the deets because Bulstrode is gonna destroy the lab afterwards and convert it back to eco-friendly, a true environmentalist, much better than Ellena Donelly.

I saw the man himself, he looked ruff and the facial hair was there. Uncombed hair and slight eyebags, this mans was working harder than a teenager in high school! “I did it,” he said. “What exactly did you do?” “See this apparatus here? They called me crazy and said it was impossible, but I did it. Time Travel.” I was in shock, the mad lad actually did it. “Come on, we gotta save your article streak.” And so I went in, becoming one of the first two people to time travel. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out (of time!).