Here at the Hecrenews we answer the big questions, and the biggest question on everyone’s minds is “what is going on at Leafblower Elementary.” It is truly so revolutionary it will change history, no, it will go down in the books. In fact, some modern historians are already writing this stuff down (using exclusively Hecrenews articles, from the most reliable news source in the Hecresphere may I remind you). It has been a month since Džana has been up to her antics, and with all the time traveling stuff being over for now it was time to go and finally return the the school to see what was up.

Where we last left off Džana and her cronies, or comrades, depending on which side you are on, took control of the school board. The superintendent has mostly been quiet which was quite strange and Džana’s access to the school board gave her immense access over the school district. Not only could she ensure greatness, prosperity, and happiness for Leafblower students, but other local elementary, middle, and high schools as well, although the local high schools are monsters of their own, Džana would surely not mess with them. Džana passed many new acts aftering becoming the head of the board to protect children’s happiness and innocent youthful lives. One act was a “Grades are Bad” (GAB) act which prohibited the use of percentage based grades, and required teachers to teach kids concepts. Another act was a “Who cares that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, how do I get a job and pay taxes act,” which (other than being very long named, too long to bother creating an acronym for) ensures kids will develop real life skills. High School is all about the GPA, grades, learning academics, so Džana believed elementary and middle school should teach students real world skills so they will be successful outside of high school. While there is an endless list of acts Džana has passed, one more to broach is the “Big Passion Project” act (aptly abbreviated to Big PP) allows students to find passions and create projects to help their communities. Džana was particularily inspired by this article to pass the Big PP act. Even kids can change the world, and she already knows very few high school students do this as they are focused on grades so Džana wants to give the opportunity to these younger kids. After passing these acts many are in agreement Džana should become the president of the country, they will bribe for an age restriction change and may be successful.

I was walking into the board building to interview Džana the madlad (or madlady, madlad rolls of the tongue better) in person but I felt an ominous presence there. Obviously I ignored it, could just be a side effect of time travel after all, Bulstrode is still working on listing out all the symptoms to become FDA approved or however that process works, I’m not a scientist so ask someone at SAR (Hecrenews Science and Research). There were a bunch of kids wearing casual clothes but I could already tell all of these were geniuses who will actually change the world. Džana has made a new system for greatness, so greatness will follow. We began setting up the interview, and it was even going to be broadcasted to the local T.V. station, pretty exciting but also kinda nerve-inducing.

After about 10 min. of meet and greet the interview began. As we were conducting the opening statements the room doors got busted down and a silhouette stood there with fog effects included. After the smoke cleared we realized who it was, it was the superintendent himself, Jack the Daredevil. “Enough of this nonsense, you think I’m gonna let some kids take over the school?” A ghostly spirit appeared behind Jack as he shouted “The World!!!,” and I of course had to respond, “Is that a JoJo’s reference?!” Jack shifted his glance towards me, and it would’ve been intimidating but I am a Hecrenews journalist, this ain’t nothing. “What the hecc?” said Jack in shock. I looked around and realized no one else was moving, everything was perfectly still. “I stopped time,” said Jack, “How are you able to move?” “Eh I don’t really understand this time travel and time breaking/bending stuff, idk tbh.” Most likely one of the effects of time traveling included being immune to people who try and stop time. “Well, here’s the thing,” said Jack, “I can stop time indefinetely, and it looks like I will have to put you down, forcefully if needed.”

It was then I realized the pickle I was in, I was running out of options as my cell phone didn’t work (it was frozen in time) so the only option I had left was to place all of my hope on the Hecretary Bird. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.