Right where we left off last time, oh wait, technically time hasn’t passed since last time. I guess it’s not really last time? Huh, time is really weird. Anywho, I am standing at the Leafblower’s district’s board’s meeting room, where time has currently frozen due to the superintendent, who is also known as Daredevil Jack. Somehow I am not affected by the time travel effects and I’m just chilling.

Daredevil Jack and the fighting spirit behind him began approaching me. “After I take you out, there is going to be no one left to stop me.” He was quite intimidating perhaps on a level to compete with Af Roman, but I somehow was not paralyzed by his demeanor. Suddenly a spark of electricity appeared before me and out popped an apparatus, but this was no ordinary apparatus, this was Adalbert Bulstrode’s time machine! “Ah, so you’re also not affected by the time freeze,” I said. “Nope,” said Adalbert as he walked out. “I could explain it but I would probably fry your brain because it’s some really complicated sciency stuff, don’t worry about it. Now, to deal with you said Bulstrode as he looked at Daredevil Jack.” Apparently this was their first time meeting, and Bulstrode still knew where he was and that he was the man behind this. “Look at what’s become of you. I heard from Mugabe you used to be a popular kid. But then the system chained you up or hauled you away and you were never seen again (or you just graduated) and now you are a puppet of the system. No, the system is gone because that girl overthrew it, you are a lingering fragment of the past.” “But you cannot stop me,” said Jack. “That I can, I’ve just stopped by to give my regards to Mjir.” “What, what are you going to do?” “If fate allows it we will meet again.” “Huh?” Bulstrode then tackled Jack and took him into the time machine. After a few seconds the machine disappeared and time began its usual flow. “I’m kinda nervous for this interview,” said one of the students and I remembered what was happening. “Sorry, something came up, I gotta go,” I told the crew.

I rushed back to the Hecrenews HQ. “Bulstrode is gone.” I told everyone. Everyone just stood there in shock. “Bulstrode was the true, true friend, and also a genius. This can’t be true.” “Well it’s a long story, but to save the world he had to sacrifice himself.” We left work and somberly contniued the rest of our day. We later held a memorial service for our fallen hero.

A while later, the main SAR man himself, Sheeple Dunnel, appraoched me with a device that looked like a high schooler’s engineering project. “Bulstrode is not gone,” said Dunnel. He dialed some knobs and we heard a queer sound. After turning some more dials and knobs, Bulstrode’s voice can be heard. “Hello, this is Bulstrode. If you are getting this message, I have figured out a way for us to communicate,” “And this is the device?” “Yes, but Bulstrode is still sending us how to create the audio input thingy so we can talk to him. Bulstrode is not gone, we may be able to get him back.”

Hope in humanity and mankind has restored. As for Leafblower Elementary, well, it’s surely going to change. But there is no doubt it is still going be the school everyone’s talking about. I’m not sure if we’ll be getting any more big things from Leafblower anytime soon.” For now, this has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.