Mr. Isaiah Dobrila is just always in the thick of the action! After making big bucks with the help of a Nigerian Prince and being confronted by email hackers, he once again found himself in dire straits.

Dobrila has been an avid player of hit online multiplayer game Skidibidibop for quite some time now. After jumping into the forest maze for what seemed like minutes but was actually a couple weeks, Dobrila was in danger of losing himself.. once again. Finding something you can get so utterly engrossed in once is uncommon enough, but twice? Guess we shouldn’t put it past Isaiah Dobrila.

Unfortunately, just as he was about to discover the secret behind the Big Bad Boss, Dobrila’s game stuttered. Then it froze. Then it jived, but only for a moment. And finally, it poppped. But not the game. “Working on Updates. 3% Complete. Don’t turn off your computer”. Dobrila was frantic. Did the game save? Would he lose all of his progress? Would he have to spend hours of agony in the forest maze again? He stodd there, in front of his monitor, anxiously watching the percentage go up, darkly muttering several phrases that HAC wouldn’t let me put here.

When the updating finally finished, Dobrila’s body was stiff for sitting in the same position for hours on end. Nevertheless, he warmed up his creaking joints, ready to get back in the thick of it, battling snaxii and splattery things in his favorite pastime. But Alas! The updates had signed him out of the skidibidibop servers! Now, this wouldn’t be a problem for the normal man, but Isaiah Dobrila is no normal man. In his rush to hop onto and start exploring the wonderous world of skidibibdibop, Dobrila had just typed in gibberish as his password and hoped clicking “stay signed in” would save him. Oh boy, was he in a predicament now! All his millions from the Nigerian Prince couldn’t restore his progress. What could he do?

Suddenly, Dobrila’s discord dinged. In came a very unsettling message at first, but as Dobrila interacted with this hacker-type (who was last seen trying to take down Nit Flex, wonder what happened to that story?), he realized something. He could use this! Through a sequency of cleverly manipulating messages, Dobrila got the hacker to reveal his own password to him. Genius, if I say so myself. Dobrila, armed with both his login credentials, could now successfully sink the rest of his life into playing that meaningless video game. Hooray!

Above are messages sent by Dobrila and SnaxelyLeftButtock_012. Oh, how Dobrila bamboozled that man!

And there goes another happy ending. Don’t you love it!

Whew, it’s been a while. Don’t expect this to last. Wopps out.