Bug bites, acne, pimples, and a whole order of skin problems are no stranger to helpless Golding Yate. At first it wasn’t a problem, but too many people in his life were pointing these nightmares out and Yate needed a solution. He tried all the off-shelf remedies, all the brands, even went to the doctor for prescribed solutions, and nothing was working. However, throughout long hours in front of Google Spreadsheets and months of data collection, Yate noticd a pattern in the data. All of the remedies he tried had to be applied topicaly, aka applied on topic, or at least that’s what I think it means. What if instead of having a remedy that is applied topically, there was a remedy that was applied tropically?

Beach relaxation, nice sunsets, coconut water, and fun times are all solutions that are applied tropically, but sometimes it’s not all about beaches and fun. The tropics are an area of the Earth that are in betwen the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. Why are those lines called tropics? That’s a mystery to me, you should ask Sheeple Dunnell/Dunnel (Which is his correct last name? I also do not know). You could be in the middle of an ocean and still be in the tropics, it is a pretty big range, but not so big if you are a dimension travelling news-reporter. Sadly for Yate, the good old ‘sick day from work’ (aka surprise family vacation), did not cure his skin irrigations irritations. It was time for Yate to discover his own treatment.

Yate whipped together a secret concoction of sorts, the recipie is private, only revealing enough to slide by the FDA, and it’s all natural flavours and spices, it seems. Yate then built an intergalatic space transportation device (with the help of some friends) dubbed the InSTant D(evice). The InSTant D was used to fly over the entire tropical area. What Yate did was pretty self-explanatory, you probably won’t even need the article. Yate used the InSTant D and sprinkled his tropical treatment all over the tropics, kind of like Santa Claus mixed with pixie dust. For the ground onlookers, they thought it was a UFO and claimed aliens built the pyramids, and said people were reported to see a ghost like figure of angry pharohs and their slaves workers, they were probably cursed. Hopefully the get past anubis okay. After its first, and last, flight, Yate scrapped the InSTant D to keep the parts to use for a future project, after making the InSTant D he got into engineering and locomotion design, and may pursue that as his new career. We know that it’s never too late to start, remember, Adalbert Bulstrode was a fool but through hard work become such a great physician, I mean physicist that he invented time travel and is stuck in the fabric of space time as he risked his life to save humanity, or at least myself and the students from Leafblower Elementary.

But did this tropical treatment work? A resounding yes from Golding Yate. Yate no longer has a shingle single skin problem, and we have his (in)genius to thank for that. Yate says, “It’s not about the end result, but the journey.” He really enjoyed his ‘sick days from work,’ as he experienced amazing views of nature while ‘having extreme fever.’ Will his boss fire him? Probably not, but Yate is looking like he’ll secure a new job anywho. What have we learned today? Tropical treatments may be better than topical treatments. Now how are they applied to a topic, or are they applied on topic? This conundrum will cause me many sleepless nights, but for now this has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.