Problems in Pucallpa: The Jocose Gang

Undergound activies have been bussin in Peru (the boss said try using the word “bussin” in an article, hope I did it right) even since the 1950s, but this is a notable and new threat. The Jocose Gang, also referred to as the Jocose Joint, has been the number one perpetrator of underground illegal criminal activities. The authorities cannot get their hands on them; they are truly a fearsome bunch. What is Jocose? What is the Jocose Joint? How are we going to be safe? No need to fear because Pablo has got you covered.

There is a new era of substances. The big three to be on the lookout for are datil, jolly juice, and jocose. The denotation of jocose is

“Playful or humorous”

but the Jocose Joint deals with a jocose that is definitely not this. In fact, the Jocose Joint currently have a monopoly on jocose so nobody except for them really know what it is. I have taken the risks to find as much information as I could, and all I could find out was that there is a substance that they call jocose. Not only can they escape the authorities, but they can escape a Hecrenews Journalist!

While we do not know much about the identities of the Jocose Joint, we do know some prominent members. One is the Jocose Joint, the same name as the gang! The Jocose Joint is probably the leader of the Jocose Joint, but it’s all just speculation (but plausible speculation). Next up we know about the Jocose Bandit. Presumably they steal jocose, but since they have all the jocose I guess they won’t need to steal it? Maybe the Jocose Bandit steals other things, or maybe nobody can access jocose because the Jocose Bandit takes it back. Who knows what the Jocose Bandit truly does, but they sure are a force of nature. There is the Jocose Junkie, a man who has lost it all to jocose, they probably lead a jocose cult and spend most of their time with jocose. We just know that while all other junkies have gone mad, this junkie is more than jiving. The strongest out of the bunch is the Jocose Hitman. The Jocose Hitman gets the job done. Any target will be eliminated without fail. If you find the Jocose Hitman is on your tail, it’s already too late. There is the Jocose Inspector. No one knows what the Inspector inspects. The quality of the jocose, the transcations of jocose, or some other nefarious activity needing inspection, but the Jocose Inspector will quality check it all! The last two currently known members of the Jocose Joint go hand in hand. Brothers in arms, the are the Jocose Producer and the Jocose Farmer. One producers jocose and the other farms it. What is the difference? Well there is such a difference that there are two members for two seperate things! Unfortunately, we know the hierarchy of the Jocose Joint is vast and there exists many more members than the ones I have discussed. Through all of my scouring of information, I got suttle clues and deduced this information, but I know how little I know, the Joint is much bigger.

On the bright side, the Jocose Joint does not mess with you if you do not mess with them. Pucallpa is still a great place to visit, just don’t get into any trouble, stay on the right path, and the Jocose Joint will not be after you. I have asked my fellow friends to keep a lookout and send me any information they get on the Jocose Joint and I will make sure that you guys are updated. Do not panic, the Jocose Joint is not after you, and you should be fine.

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