We really, honestly didn’t think that the intern had it in him, but by golly, did Hector post an article about an hour ago. And this is like his 6th article or something! Oh, how productive he is! Just has so much energy (and is much less evil than the last new person to join us, Eif al-Tawa). Although he makes far too many references to that grandfather of his, the writing is solid, and the boss appreciates that. Well, I don’t think the boss appreciates anything in life anymore (he completely shot down the employee appreciation day idea), but it’s as close as it can be to the Bearded Boss valuing Hector.

Now, you readers may have been missing me and my altogether unique writing style. Oh, I could out-write the best of them. Too bad I didn’t post too frequently. And then I took a long break all of a sudden. Well, I strongly suspect that all of that will be elucidated up in the sequel to BananaTheHuman’s most recent article. I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.

In other news, there has been a growing movement within the hecrenews to protest the boss’s daily article regimen. Only one of our incredibly-mistreated troupe of article writers has even managed to keep this going, and we’re not sure of the effects its had on his mental health. Mister Mjir has been acting strange lately, but maybe that’s just how he always is. Mostly championed by Hector and I, we seek to try and lessen the requirement just a bit (and maybe increase our nonexistent pay while we’re at it!). Anywho, since only Mister Mjir has found it in himself to write daily articles, I think we have lots of support.

Anyways, I’ve also picked up the story on the legal action against the Houston, Texas HecreTaries. That, combined with the lobbying to designate the desert that Blat Beck is nearly finished digging up as a historic landmark means that I have quite a lot to cover on the legal side of things. Whoopee! Many more articles, coming your way.

I see that Hector’s adapted my use of the horizontal line and the other two have started saying “[author] out”. Guess I have to find myself a new gimmick, then. How else are you going to distinguish between all our articles? By reading the author name and picture posted at the top of each one? Pshhhhh