Leafblower Elementary school may look like just a regular elementary school on the outside, and it is. A place full of unique individuals, although students at Leafblower Elementary are particularly brighter than most other kids. Whatever your opinions are on Leafblower Elementary, you cannot deny the amount of attention they are getting. We first noted them for Carl Mugabe but more was to come as Billa had quite the interesting story as well. Today’s focus will be on someone who has the ability to turn the entire school system upside down. This student is Anna Džana.

Džana did not know much about real world politics. It was easy to turn off her brain as the old angry people were roasting each other on television, and that’s how see saw elections. There were some old people all shouting and making bold claims and it was not interesting to her at all. Džana was not one to read the news, she was an Elementary school student after all, “What kind of nerd reads the news?” she said. Despite her aversion and apathy towards real world politics, Džana was a natural at it. Of course she wasn’t running for the Presidency, but there was a lot of power to be had in school. At first she wasn’t to hot about school clubs, “Why do we even have clubs? We’re an Elementary school. We’ll get clubs at the middle and high schools,” she said to us and her friends but one friend convinced Džana to join the student council. Džana was disinterested of course but her friend told her to run for president. For some reason, Džana suddenly became interested in the organization. She was going to run for president, and she was going to win. The other candidate were cold-blooded seasoned veterans, being in the student council since its inception in 3rd grade and never letting go of their positions. Džana wasn’t even trying to target their weakest member, she was going straight for the Presidency. Giman B., the current president, thought Džana wouldn’t even pose a minor threat and doubted she would get more than 2 votes. However, Giman B. greatly underestimated Džana’s charisma and her ability to communicate with the student body. It was as if Džana was a siren when she was rallying up the students to vote for her. Giman B. soon got insight that he was going to lose the presidency. He played hard and rough, resorting to many underhanded tactics and even blackmail, but he lost the presidency. The former power structure of the student council immediately collapsed and Džana was president.

At this point in time the adminstration did not even notice anything was wrong. They thought, “Eh, these are just Elementary kids. We show up, they show up, we get paid!” but they couldn’t have been more wrong. Džana soon began an interest in other clubs. It was not that she craved power but she was a multi-talented kid suited to be the president of all the clubs in the school. All the sports club, the nerdy clubs like chess and maths, the cool clubs like literal gang club, gaming club, and other various clubs like underwater basket weaving. At this point the administration noticed Džana’s influence, but they were too late in their realization. As uncontested president of all the clubs in the school, Džana had an incredible amount of power, and you may be wondering, what is power? In government courses, power is the ability to make someone do what you want, and Džana could easily do this. Džana had more power than the principal, Mr. Karo Cann. Cann was starting to get worried. His first slip up was removing fun from the school but Mugabe was there to satisfy the kids so they did not revolt. There was no one to stop Džana though, she could easily mobilze the entire student body to do as she wishes. Her charisma was so powerful she even influenced the other grades. Under Džana, grades were solid 100s and the teachers had to bring in top-level professors to make the tests. They tried to make the tests almost impossible but the students were so smart everyone aced it flawlessly. Cann knew he was the next target.

It soon happened. Towards the end of the first semester, Džana rallied up the student body, “We don’t need the principal, Karo Cann more like Karo Cann’t. He hasn’t been able to do a single thing for us, why should we have such an incompetent principal. It’s not just him either, our teachers have nothing to teach us so they are calling in professors from the universities. Why should the teachers teach at our school then. My people, I’m calling for a revolution, and I will need the help and support of each one of you.” Cann was in pure fear. He spent the last night at the bar drinking his sorrows away knowing something was going to happen soon and now it happened. Cann took drastic measures and contacted the big bosses. The school board and the superintendent, some of the most powerful people in the whole business. It would be the first time the superintendent ever stepped foot in the school, as he was so busy with his stuff. It will not be an easy fight for Džana, but knowing her she has a plan.

That’s the latest we got on that story, seems like some big events are going to unfold soon. There is going to be a huge war, maybe as big as the veg vs. non-veg calamity. Who knows? Anywho, this has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.