You may remember Anna Džana and her fast rise to power at Leafblower Elementary. Know that ever since Principal Karo Cann came in, Leafblower Elementary has become the number one academic school, out ranking all the high schools in the nation and even practically all the colleges. The students have had enough. They know they shouldn’t be learning that kind of stuff and instead should be having fun. Džana has mobilized the student body and is ready to take down the local board but there is one big problem in Džana’s way, and that is the superintendent.

The superintendent was a shrewd man, and he liked to impose his dominance. He did not strike when the students were expecting him, so all the students were very alert during their classes. However, the body of an Elementary Schooler just simply cannot contain that much attention span, and the kids needed to relax during recess. Džana was getting some ice-cream from Carl Mugabe. If you don’t know about him you may wanna catch up. Mugabe was about to give Džana the coveted soft-serve when his expression took a dark turn and he dropped his ice cream, not even looking at Džana. The person who just exited the school doors to see the kids was the superintendent of the school. Džana looked back and began panicking. She was not ready to face of with the superintendent yet, her army of students were busy re-charging their batteries during recess. “J-J-Jack…” stammered Mugabe in pure shock. “No way, it’s Jack? Daredevil Jack. The only one who can rival King Louie in the King of the Swingers.” “You know him?” asked Džana. “When I was in kindergarten Daredevil Jack was the most famous fifth grader. The entire school district knew him. He would go as high as he could on these rusty old swings and jump off, he is a man who knows no fear.” The man in question was approaching Mugabe’s van.

“And what do we have going on here?” said Jack while giving unnerving glances to Džana and Mugabe. “A strange man giving ice-cream to little children? That’s highly suspicious. You could even get arrested for that.” “I have a permit,” Mugabe countered as he showed Jack his license to sell food, which was even allowed in the school. “Well well well… looks legitimate. I can’t really stop you there, I guess I’ll leave you be for know.” Džana was unable to move the entire time. In fact, all students within the near vicinity of Jack were unable to move even the slightest muscle. One kid had tears coming down his eyes because he was unable to close his eyelids. Jack stayed awhile, took a few more glances to establish his dominance on the children, and went back into the building. “I can’t believe he’s back,” said Mugabe. “In the middle of my kindergarten year, Karo Cann came and he removed all the fun. Jack was rumored to have chained himself to the swinget, and was carted to an unknown place. After he disappeared (or graduated) we thought he was gone. Jack used to be a hero, he was the symbol of freedom and fun in schools. Why do we have to be on the opposite sitde of this war…” “Speaking of war,” said Džana, “We are waging war with the district. We are going to go against the board and the superintendent, and we are going to establish a new power structure which will ensure more fun.” “I’m just shaken Jack is on the opposite side of this war. My idol is now my enemy,” said Mugabe.

When school resumed Džana began her plans to prepare for war. Džana had all the smart kids do everyone’s homework, so there were more hands ready to help. The students began looking for resources. Food, water, armor. A weapons task force was created to supply the students with the necessary equipment and to research effective means of attack. One group in the task force discovered pens have a lot of power to them thanks to their springs. There is a lot of complex physics involved which I don’t understand but I have no doubt even the dullest of Leafblower kid’s fully understand. Another group discovered how effective erasers can be due to their ricochet ability, they are very bouncy. The teachers knew something was mad sus but since everyone was turning in their work and getting a hundred they didn’t have much for them to do and they honestly didn’t have anything to teach the kids.

Džana began the next phase of her plan. She began letting her trusted teachers in on this. The local teachers were upset of the lack of power they had. They had nothing to teach the kids so they were pretty much useless. All the teachers were down, and the teachers began to mobilize. Džana was building a trap to ensnare the board and take their power, and the superintendent would be next. For now, Džana has to create counter-measures and back up plans because she has no idea what the opposition is planning. Soon she is going to get a spy and with that she will have enough insight to take down the board.

Things are heating up a lot in Leafblower and if you actually read the whole thing it’s not because of the heat. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and popping out.