So there has been a lack of articles once again. It seems we are running into one of these problems once again. My legendary streak has been broken, and my heart along with it. Not to worry, it is an emotional problem, not a physical one. The loss of my streak has been all the rave in these recent times, and there have been a few major questions on everyone’s mind. First, “why did this happen?” and two, “when will Mister Mjir post another article?” Well to answer the latter question, that is today itself! Yes, I have returned once more. To answer the former question, I must first tell you loyal Hecrenews readers a true story.

There is this esteemed news source, an award winning news source, a trustable news source, the best news source in the world. Many of these claims were self proclaimed, but it was in factm a news source. The workers were pushed to extreme conditions, with the boss always wanting content, always wanting something to post. One poor author had to write constant articles daily to save himself and his friends from a terrible plight, inducing the wrath of the boss. The boss’s pay was low, but it wasn’t low enough to catch the attention of government authorities, it was passable. In the same way many of the articles were passable, the boss didn’t even read the headline, just saw the article and sent it over to be posted. There was hope for the hard-working, aspirational writers, as the boss said one day, “If you keep a streak, your pay will be increased.” The boss said that for a streak, but raised the regular pay as well. Perhaps a wave of good feelings was passing by, but it was only passing by. Soon, after a couple of months, the boss revoked these words. The pay from the streak was lifted, and the pay was reduced to the barely passable, and in protest, articles were halted for a short amount of time.

This well esteemed news source, award winning of self-proclaimed awards, trustable news source, best news source in the world is none other than the Hecrenews. Yes, it pains me to say this but our news source has blundered. The HBA immediately began the process of replacing the boss with someone more capable. It turns out the boss was once a good person, but was then corrupted by the snaxii (as a spokesperson from the HBA told me). How the snaxii do such things, we knew they can persuade youngins like Billa but then imposing their control on the boss was unforseen, it is truly a tragedy. We must come together as a community, as a nation, as a planet, as multiple universes. We need to see past the differences between us humans, the Snaxii only benefit from our interal conflicts. If we can band together across nations, across planets, across the Hecresphere, hope to defeating the Snaxii exists.

Believing in the Hecretary Bird and being a devotee is one thing, a really good thing, but true action starts at the individual level. We need to step it up to stop the Snaxii.

That was pretty inspirational, but this wraps up this status update of the Hecrenews, I’m sure the length is long enough to be HAC approved. This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and popping out.